
Saul Plan

A whole day pass again Xin already done everything work need to finish from the airship,

He built a large water storage system and electric storage system using magic items that he buys from the system shop.

Xin but thousand Year Violet bamboo Tree for the source of electricity of the whoship.

This magical plant can release electric current all over its trunk, Xin just build a separate room with enough sunlight and nutritious soil for this plant.

He also buys 3 high capacity electric storage to store all electric that they collect from the plant.

The other item is a water stone that can release water by injecting magic into it.

Xin build a large tank for collecting water from that stone, while a small magic stone connected to the water stone for the continuous supply of water.

Then he connects all of it using long electric cables for electric supply to every facility, and water tube for water supply.

All the items inside of the ship are made from magic and reinforce to make more sturdy so even an accident happens no item will be destroyed.

Xin even made a huge telescope in the middle of the library for astronomical studies.

A large world map and globe to another room for world study.

A human structure, human body parts and some other human nervous system for Physiology.

A large number of specimens of animals for zoology.

And room for studying different species of plants for botany.

All kinds of room are built near the library, almost ⅓ of the ship is built of scientific study for the archaeologist and scholars.

Of course, Xin build a special room for Robing and him, the room is for their inscriptions, rune and magic studies.

It built near the Xin room and Robin's room so they can access fast.


After all the modification and additional rooms for them, Xin only need to do is to wait for Olvia to come so that they can leave from here.

Meanwhile, Xin, Robin, and Saul are sitting in front of a bonfire eating and drinking.

Of Course, Xin and Robin cant still drink alcoholic beverage so they only drink juice while Saul is drinking beer.

Xin suddenly asks," Saul what are you going to do after this? … you said to us that your an ex-vice admiral right?"

Saul stare at the night sky in deep thought, he sighed and said," Maybe I'm going back in my home town and start my own family"

Xin stare at him then ask," Do you want to do adventure in the ocean freely"

Saul said," I want to do that but ….. As you can see I'm already a fugitive the marine sure hunting me right now.."

Robin just listen to them silently while drinking her juice.

"Why not join guild"Xin suddenly said.

Robin and Saul were confused."What guild?"

Xin then explain to them the idea that he came up when he was still studying in marine, he said all the benefits and things that they can get if he joined a guild.

Soul confuse said," Are you sure that the world government will going to accept your idea?"

Xin grin at them and mysteriously said," Of course they will~"

Who is Xin? His Godmother is Vice-Admiral Tsuru, Godfathers are Sengoku and Marine Hero Garp.

With his backer how can the World Government deny his idea, they will only think that Xin just want to play and eventually he will dissolve that project.

But they will not know that the project that Xin want to do is a plan for making a bigger Organization in the future.

Saul scratch his head and said," But im a wanted criminal ..... they will not going to let me join the project you want to make"

Xin casual said,"Don't worry i will ask for clemency for you, and they will accept it for sure"

"The only crime you did is you disobey the higher-up's order that's all"

Robin nodded and added," Yes that's right you did not do something like killing and stealing like pirates … after all your an ex-Vice Admiral "

Saul still don't know how to decide what to do.

Xin said," You can make a clan or family full of giants and other races"

"With your strengths and your future friends, you can save all the people you want to save"

"And you can prevent the tragedy that will going to happen right now in future .."

Saul's eyes suddenly bright, he remembers the code and conduct he always abides.

He suddenly said," That's right! If in marine i need to follow all the orders even all of them are bad .. but this time if i have my own family I can continue the justice that I fighting for"

"The only thing I need to do is find friends that like me who have justice and righteousness in heart and build the most powerful and honest family in the world"

Xin nodded," That's right you need that kind of positive belief if you want to erase all injustice in this world"

"But first you need to find a companion that you can trust …."

"After all my plan is going to start half a year from now"

Saul grin and said," Hahahah so i have half a year to find my own companion, that's more than enough for me"

"I can give you a piece of advice, you can find two powerful giants that battling each other for less than hundred years right now," Xin mysterious said.

Saul was shocked," Hundred years"

"Yes hundred years both of them live in a prehistoric Island near Alabasta"

"I don't know where the specific locations so you need to find it yourself .."

"And to convince the two giants there is your own business if you can fight them and defeat them you can ask both of them to join your family ... but beware the two of them is not small fry .."

"The two of them have official bounty of 100,000,000 belli before they live on that Island"

Robin and Saul was shocked, only strong pirates can have that kind of bounty.

Saul was excited right now to find the two giants, he can't wait to see them.


ok, guys, my vote system is lock and i can't receive any vote to all of you guys but dont worry I will still regularly release chapters until I got my book fix

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