
Chapter 2- First trail...

I Have been in the plane for about 16 minutes just listening to Leah talk about the problems in her life. As she was talking, I looked out the window and saw a little purple dot, but I'm probably seeing things.

"Hey Mori do you and that girl still date?" Leah asked with a curious look in her eyes. I just shook my head and laughed thinking about what happened. Still looking out the window, I answered, "No, she was cheating on me". That purple dot looks like it is getting bigger and bigger. Am I the only one who can see it? The pilots must be able to see it because we're heading straight to it- "What are you doing?" I grabbed Leah's risk. I noticed Leah trying to remove my gloves, which took me by surprise.

She looked at me and said "you've been wearing gloves since 9th grade now you're about to turn 20 are you still in that chunibyo phase? And can you let go please, that hurts" I was in shock of what she said, but I still let go of her.

"What do you mean "still" I never was a chunibyo you was the one who always liked playing with fake swords, and you were even in the Kendo club for four years" I said with a little annoyance in my voice.

"Well I told you to learn it with me, but you said "I'm going to create my sword style Kendo is too soft for my liking" which sounds like something a chunibyo would say but speaking of your sword style how is it going?" she said while swinging an imaginary sword.

"Well actual I've already completed it and mastered it which I'm glad I made my own style because it's way deadlier and is useful for multiple situations I also had a sword made for me on a sketchy website like last week that I brought with me" Right when I finished my sentence I felt immense pressure that immediately gave me a headache. I looked outside the window and see that the purple dot now turned into what looked like a black whole and the plane was heading straight to it.

"Hey Leah- uhm is she sleep" I looked around the plane and noticed everyone else was also sleep. What is even happening ri…ght…now.

(the next day)

Once I opened my eyes, I felt extremely stiff, like my entire body had arthritis. I was still on the plane, and I'm pretty sure the plane landed but where? I looked outside the window and saw 30 people outside with their luggage, some were talking and some were crying. Taking off my seat belt, I got up and stretched, "I really don't want to get bombarded with questions when I step out this plane". I feel like I knew exactly what was going on just from the look of things it reminded me of something that would happen in an anime or something where they get teleported to a new world but even though I had a slight idea of what was happening I was still shaking.

Ok, first off, my luggage-wait a minute. I look down at my hands and take off my gloves "The dark aura still seems to be there, but it feels a lot stronger….whatever that means" putting my gloves back on I open the overhead bin grabbing my duffel bag. Rummaging through my bag, I unzipped a hidden zipper that blended in with the duffel bag and grabbed my sword. The sword was in some sort of ziplock bag that blocked out scanners… I also got it from a sketchy website. I took the sword out of the bag and walked out the plane.


What the hell is happening right now? Probably because I was still in the plane and I couldn't see very much, but now that I look closely everybody had a weapon. The weapons they have are all swords, axes, bows, and spears, anything but modern weapons. That's probably why people are discussing among themselves. Enough of that where's Leah she is probably crying or something she acts tuff, but she is very weak-minded.

"Hey Mori come over here for a second will ya!?" I turn around to see Leah gesturing me to come over and she also with a group who has weapons. I guess I was wrong then. I started heading over to the "group" while noticing that multiple people I saw on the plane were gone, I remember seeing at least a hundred people on board now there is about thirty. Now that I look around, are we on some type of island? As I got closer to Leah the three people she was with started backing up a little, for some reason, there was a girl and two guys which is a four-person group if Leah is with them.

"Damn you walk slow, but anyway because you were still unconscious when everything went down you're probably really confused right now". I nodded my head telling her to continue her explanation. "How do I shorten this story…so basically angels came down from the sky telling us that we were sent to this place because we are "special" and we have to save countless worlds from destruction and also told us not to worry because we will have something called "skills" to help us defeat our enemies but before we *sigh* but before we start saving planets we have to prove we are qualified by surviving 10 trials that's why we are on this island and have these weapons because this is the first trail.....did that make sense?" Instead of answering her, I sat down on the ground and messaged my temples.

All of this seemed fake what if I fell asleep on the plane, and I'm having a very vivid dream…of course not this is real, and I'll have to accept this reality as is. But something is bothering me if we're special, what happened to the rest of the people? I looked up at Leah and asked "what happened to the rest of the people who were on the plane?" she looked at me and said with a hint of jealousy "they immediately got sent to the first world for safety because they were too young- oh I almost forgot to mention hehe you should say "activate". The people behind me looked excited which stressed me out even more, what can surprise me at this point? "Activate".

[Name: Mori

Level: 0

Race: Dark human

Class: none

Mana: 30/30

Strength: 10

Speed: 10

Endurance: 10

Stat Points: 0


Skills: <wind palm %0>]

"Am I seeing things or did the dark circles under your eyes get even darker, wait how is that even possible when you were sleeping for so long?" I heard one of the guys talking, but I ignored him, but seeing this screen got me thinking. If my guess is correct, we are going to fight monsters during these trials and level up, so we should be strong enough to at least be able to handle ourselves in the first world, so the people who were sent because of safety reasons aren't necessarily safe because they are currently weak.

"By the way Mori everybody starts off with their stats at 5 and getting a skill is a 50/50 but at least the four of us got skills" she said with a proud look. So, she is with them, "I still don't know what your friends names are" I looked at the three strangers.

[Warning!!: The first trail is starting in 3 minutes, be prepared!]

When the warning was announced, everyone was tense and some people stopped crying. The man who was a part of Leah's group came up to me "my name is Alan, and they are Brenda and Aayu and Leah already told us that you guys were childhood friends, but enough of that since the first trail is about to start can you join our group we all get shared xp from the monsters we kill that's what the angels told us, and we will have a better chance at survival" I looked at Alan and noticed he was very muscular and serious. Leah said that everyone stats were at 5, but mine is all 10 for some reason and I tried to ignore my race that says "dark human" but I'm guessing it had something to do with the dark aura. I was going to join their party, but then he said we share experience… even though being in a group is safer and going by myself is a dumb ass idea, but I'll be able to get stronger faster than anyone else because it seems everyone is grouping up.

"No I do better when alone but thank you" even though I said that I'm a little nervous because I'm going to have to fight monsters I have never seen before. Alan looked at me but didn't say anything and I could see Leah was forcing herself to not talk…realizing they were not going to respond I walked gripping my sword in my left hand. Where the hell am I even going I just walked off like an idiot. I should head back before the trails starts.

[Warning!: The trail is now starting!]

~To Be Continued~

This chapter wasn't supposed to be this long...

LazyG0dcreators' thoughts