
Chapter 8 - I wanna eat tomato - (Part 1)

Next day.

Hiroto had already done his usual training routine and ate his breakfast, he also bought his premade lunch this morning.. After locking the door's apartment, he finally depart and again, meeting Yasuo along the way

Hiroto looked at Yasuo, as he was walking with an unusual posture, he asked.

"What happened to you? You're walking strange today."

"It seems I pushed my training today and my legs feel sour ha-ha-ha" Yasuo said awkwardly laughing while feeling the pain.

"That's why I told you not to overdoo you it." Hiroto sighs and did not talk anymore.

When they got into the school gate entrance, many students were looking at them. Specifically, they were looking at Hiroto, and it feels to him like it was from fans when looking at an IDOL.

Yasuo noticed everyone stare and ask Hiroto. "Why are they looking at you like they wanted to worship you, you turned into an Idol??"

"I don't know either let's just hurry." Hiroto walks a little faster. Feeling the curious eyes on him, it felt like they would come running at him at the moment.

"Wait! Ouchh" Yasuo endured the pain a walk a bit faster.

When they reached the classroom their classmates several were also looking at Hiroto with amazement hanging on their faces. Some girls felt infatuated with him, as someone have recorded him playing the piano, it was already uploaded on the school website, little did he not know how popular would he be', well some people were using their phone playing from a video website about 'A handsome freshman boy from Otonokizaka Academy playing classical piano pieces. Must watch!'.

Hiroto had noticed that some of them were holding their phone, no specifically, he was looking at the scene playing on their phone, it was him and he thought yesterday that this may happen, but he thought 'oh well', it's something that can't be helped since it was already shared to many students. And maybe if they asked him about it, he would just tell them a brief explanation and then flee outside the people's eyes, nobody better at him in running.. Surely it maybe even uploaded to a public video watching site, he thought it would be the worst possibilities that could happen, he wished it wasn't.

In the next time he goes out of the neighborhood, someone might actually come and trouble him, though in the current status quo, strangers would just admire and look at the distance, it was because he gives out the 'Unapproachable vibe' as the holder of 'Silent Lady Killer' title in the females hearts. If he gets more exposed from something or online, then that blockade would probably be exposed, and he felt like they would treat him like an IDOL in the future. Well if he wanted to get more SP, being popular is probably more efficient. But for the time being, if he can stay low-profile, then it's good, as it avoid unnecessary trouble and it is still too early for him to publicize himself, but it may not be true already. He would check online later.

Hiroto ignored the women's stare and men's 'jeers' but he signed as he get his book out of his bag and started studying. Before then, Kirisu-sensei entered the room bringing a box with a sign on a paper 'class sitting arrangement' and started the morning call.

"Before I give you your test papers, We will begin with your sitting arrangement. From now on whatever your number is there, will be your permanent seat for the rest of the school year." Kirisu cold gaze stared at the students.

"Man, I hope we can be seatmate" Yasuo looked a bit sad, he hadn't made friends in the class yet, feeling down of being away from this friend his. He walked in front and looked at Kirisu-sensei then followed.

"Listen, Kirisu-sensei was probably not the type of teacher who would arrange sitting arrangement in alphabetical order, so she tasked me to handle this, so I came up with a fair and square seating arrangement, you pick a random paper with a number inside this box and that will be your seat for the rest of the school year." As the class representative Yasuo was tasked to create this paper before entering the class. The asking menace from sensei was petrifying to him.

The students alphabetically fall in line in front of the box and pick up a piece of paper one by one.

His wish only wish was to be placed beside the window like the common MC in novels and anime, after a moment it's finally his turn and pick up the number of what he wished for, he was placed beside the window on the 3rd row.

'My seatmate was a female, I haven't remembered the names of my classmates so I will introduce myself again.' Turning to his seatmate to the right, Hiroto introduced himself. He didn't know if his seatmate are a fangirl or whatnot, that's why he didn't consider remembering all of them. (AN:wow) But she seems to be the silent type girl.

"So you'll be my seatmate, by the way, again, the name is Hiroto Tamaki" He smiled at her and wanted to shake hands.

'....' she looked at him without saying anything and was ignored his extended hand before looking back at her book while fiercely swiping the pages of it., Hiroto in that moment looked at her face, with bangs on one eye, she had a low grim eyes and a black shadow around her face seemingly as if she don't sleep at all.

"T-t-omok-ko Kur-rok-ki" while still swiping at her book or just making a distraction, but replied stutteringly. She seems to be a person that minds her own business.

Hiroto laughs inwardly and go back to his own business, his seatmate also calmed down, while she looked back at Hiroto that was already engrossed to his reading, she immediately focused on her desk thinking of many things but did not show other expression on her face.

After the designation, Kirisu gave Yasuo a paper that showed a list of students that's Kirisu wants to meet after class in her office.

Kirisu continued her homeroom, reusing and collecting all the papers with names of the student, she wrote 'Students who would clean the room every end of the class per week.'. She then draw from the box and 5 slips of paper and called the students of their name. Telling them they would clean the room for the first week, next batch and so on.

Hiroto was included with two other boys and three girls. Tomoki was one of them.

- - - -

The lesson continued, though Hiroto was reading, he would sometimes look at the board and pretend to listen to the teacher that was discussing about the topic for today, He is controlling himself while reading the book he is holding in order not to be engrossed in it.

The teachers started their discussion of the lessons of their subjects. Yesterday was just an introduction to the subjects but today was the real start of the boring lessons.

It was also the start of every teacher's calling out for students and be asked to speak or answer questions. Lucky for Hiroto, he wasn't called for today, the morning class passed by like a breeze.

Yasuo approached Hiroto who was reading his book, Hiroto noticed and looked on him, as he saw Yasuo accompanied by his classmate bespectacled boy Takeru Takeshi. Feeling proud, Yasuo said.

"Hiroto, want to join us for lunch today? By the way this is Takeshi my seatmate, we just recently know each other after the seating arrangement and he's also an otaku"

"Yo, I heard you from Yasuo. Nice to meet you!" Takeshi smiled.

"Nice to meet you Takeshi. Thanks but sorry I need to head in the library again, and study for a bit." Hiroto understand that studying math can't be done by just memorizing the equation but to apply and understanding it too when solving, Hiroto want to write and solve some problems, if he did that during class, the teachers might report him to Kirisu-sensei, it will be troublesome and he did not want the ire of them.

The library was full like yesterday, students were gossiping ear to ear but no sounds where loud. Some would glance at Hiroto and some would play a video with their earphones and share it to others.

Hiroto headed to one of the free table in the corner, he put his things at the table and started reading again, he started studying math, this time it was the quadratic formula questions yada.yada. After seemingly not so much time passed, he was fully engrossed with his reading that he didn't realize that his table was already packed with students, more tables were being occupied while several students were looking and searching for books. The upperclassmen students were talking about 'An exam by their respective homerooms in the afternoon.'.

30 minutes passed, he finished studying this math formula and wanted try other subjects. It was because if he crammed for too much in this subject, his mind would go bonkers. Actually when he was studying on the other subject books, he was just 'Reading' them, human mind had a limit so of course him, it's just reading and that was why his SP doesn't go up that much. He would be able to remember some of the things he had read and not everything, if he just got a skill for the mind or his soul power then 'it would be great' He thought excitedly powers like eidetic memory or other related memory increasing skill.

Hiroto choose a subject he haven't read yet, he had read some english, math and japanese language, he wanted to try history books and see this world's greatest contributors and era's, he had already bought one history book but he wants to look at the others first as he wanted to see information from this world if its different from his past world. (AN: Don't look at me), He would just search the library since he would be here everyday breaktime and if he can, borrow some for the time being.

Hiroto got up from his chair, he got the curious eyes of the students near him but he didn't care and directly headed to the History Section of the library. There were many books at the cabinets and he would likely had to search for books that had an 'Era' on it, he checked first to see the contents if it had the information he wants.

Lifting up a book, removing it from its lane but suddenly he noticed to see a girl from the other side of the book cabinet was holding a book as well, looking at him, then all of a sudden the red haired girl realized who it was and said.

"Hiroto Tamaki…." like a magic spell, words left her mouth naturally, before she realized what she said, her face turned crimson like a kettle that would go burst for a moment. After that moment she directly walk away fast while her blush did not leave her face.

Hiroto realized what happened and followed her while shouting "Wait!", he followed her,

"Hey, you two!, No running at the library, your making a commotion" the female librarian said while eyeing them, the two stopped in their tracks. Hiroto looked at the commotion they were creating, some were already taking photos and videos. 'Fuck' hiroto thought, he grabbed the red haired girl's hand and pull her out of the library.

"Stop, stop, w-what are you doing…" feeling the strong grasp from the Hiroto, the red haired girl was pulled outside the library. She also felt the commotion and gaze of the other students, she felt more embarrassed about the situation she finally gives in and she turned crimson while she didn't stop him from pulling her hands.(AN: :3)

"Uuu" the red haired girl was still looking down while her eyes were tightly shut. Other students walking pass by them were going 'kya''kya' moment some take pictures, some were jealous and others angry, Hiroto hurried faster, he thought of a neglected place and thinking of the rooftop, they headed there.

Reaching the rooftop, Hiroto stopped their tracks still holding her delicate hand while looking at the blushing red haired girl.

Hiroto just stand there while still. The girl then questioned him.

"W-when will you let go of my hand?" the red haired girl said while feeling his strong hand. It was her first time experiencing a boy holding her hands aside from her parents, she felt going angry as she felt a bit of pain in her hands, they were already walking for a bit of time, thinking again of holding the boy's hand, though she was getting more cuter in the process.

"Ah, sorry, I could not help it.." feeling a bit awkward he stops holding her hands, thought the red haired girl's face was embedded in his memory.

Hiroto realized she was the red haired girl from the ceremony and felt she was the red haired silhouette he had seen in the other music room on the first day, curiously he asked.

"You're the girl on that other music room, right?"

"H-how did you..." remembering what she did that day, she can't turn any redder than a tomato. Her cuteness was fully shown Hiroto, calming her mind with her hand crossed on her front she asked. Putting a strong front, she said.

"I don't know what you're talking about, a-and why did you bring me here?" the red haired girl said questioningly with a tint of blush on her face.

"More like you were the one who just spoke my name" Hiroto looked at the girl while rolling his eyes then continued his stare, though he was just messing with her.

"N-no, it's not like that, I-I(watashi.. watashi)" the red haired girl got embarrassed enough to twirl her red hair while trying not to meet his gaze.

"I haven't seen another red haired girl around, It was you right?" Hiroto continued his barrage, seemingly thinking of the interesting girl in front of her.

"Uuuu.." the red haired girl continued to twirl her hair and putting up her other hand like .

"So you were the red haired girl at the music room, after all." Hiroto smiled when he heard the answer of the girl.

"G-got a problem with that?" with a blushing cheeks while she said while continued to twirl her hair. She calmed her mind though it's just for a second.

"No, I never thought you're this cute when close." Hiroto embarrassingly smile while scratching his cheek. His thought leaked out of his mind, he was just honest about his feelings.

"!!" her beady violet eyes widen as she blushed furiously like a ripe tomato, putting her hands on her face, it felt like she would burst out if he continued, while it's very nice to see an embarrassed cute girl, Hiroto continued to avoid an awkward scene. [AN2: tomatoes] (AN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7VFnsIvSTI)

"Hmm" Hiroto tried to fix his uniform as if to make himself looked better, but not any better.

"I'm Tamaki Hiroto, you can call me Hiro, may I know your name?," Hiroto smiled while thinking, 'if she were the girl from the music room then she would probably know music or two,' he thought.

"N-nishikino-Nishikino Maki", Maki calmed and introduced herself while continuing to play with her red hair as if it was giving her a breathing time.

"You mentioned my name awhile ago, right?"

"I saw your video at our school website and just u-unintentionally spoke your name,"

"You watched the video?" Hiroto curiously ask, feeling amused to her reaction, this girl named 'Maki'.

"No-no, don't misunderstand, I was just browsing the school website, and saw that video of you playing a piano and got curious." Maki turns her head on her left side, she closed her eyes while putting her arms on her front.

'Is this what they call a tsundere?' Hiroto thought.

The westminster bell sounds at the speaker all around the school.

`` Oh no, I forgot my things in the library ' After hearing the bell, Hiroto wanted to go back as soon as possible but Maki was still there standing still. "We will continue this conversation at the other time, if you will excuse me." Hiroto went ahead but before he get far from Maki, he suddenly stops because his sleeve was being pulled from behind. He turned around and looked at Maki who was holding his sleeve.

"What?" Hiroto looked at Maki whose face is red.

"Can.. Can you teach me to play" Maki was still holding his sleeve and whispered with a mosquito voice.

"What? Say it again.." Even though Hiroto heard it loud and clear, he wanted to her to say it louder as if teasing her.

"N-nothing! " Maki went ahead and leaving Hiroto behind at the rooftop.

"Haha, She's so cute." Hiroto shook his head and laugh softly.

Hiroto feels satisfied on his conversation with Maki and quickly went to the library to get his things and return to the classroom.

- - - -

Afternoon Homeroom

Kirisu had tasked Yasuo to call the name of the students on the listed on the paper, Yasuo lead the way as everyone on the paper were present, they followed him to Kirisu-sensei's office, they carefully went inside the office including Hiroto. They were welcomed by a pair of green cold eyes with her hands locked with each other in front of her face while sitting on her office chair. The room felt cold to everyone present.

"It seems like everyone is here" Kirisu didn't move the slightest. Her pink glossy hair were illuminating the cold room.

Everyone froze in front of her like a statue and dared not to breathe loudly. Kirisu looked at a paper on her table.

"Yasuo-kun, Hiroto-kun and others got low grades on the exam that I gave.."

"Do all of you know what that means?" Kirisu green eyes looked at them with glittering coldness.

"It meant that everyone here would get low grades in their first term exam." she continued.

"It's not exaggerating to say that everyone here had 70% chance of failing, or getting below 10% too," Kirisu looked at the students who got the lowest grades.

"You applied here to study right?, this school was an all female school from the past, do everyone of you have no shame, everyone of you would be the first batch of male in this school, and this is what you show in the first week of class?," she questioned as she looked at the students here one by one.

"If you can't even commit on studies then you won't get anywhere, you can not enter college with an easy going attitude, everyone here should study for the sake of yourselves and your future."

"I get that it's just the first week of the class, but did you know in the whole school, other than 3 more from the upperclassmen your section was the only one to fail the surprise exam"

Every homeroom had their surprise exams, Kirisu had another homeroom in the 3rd year.

"---" 'that's because your exam were hard sensei.' everyone thought and look away trying to count the holes on the ceiling. Hiroto signed internally.

"I would give another surprise exam this week, everyone here should prepare for it in advance, if not..." she handed distribute the list of books varying from different subjects that they need to study on a paper to everyone.

Yasuo and everyone nodded quickly as they held the paper that Kirisu gave to them.

"Good, you all better study. You will not know when the exam would be held, that's all, everyone can go now." With her cold gaze sweeping everyone they felt a chill on their spine as they quickly stormed out not daring to look back.

"Man that's so scary, I almost piss on my pants" Yasuo said while feeling a bit chilly. His sore pains vanished from the cold glare of Kirisu-sensei.

"Yeah, but she still gave us a list of books and that prove that she still have a soft spot in her heart " Hiroto said, then again, he had already studied some of the books that were on the list, if he was given another surprise exam, at least he would get an average. They headed to the class to meetup with Takeshi before going to the music room, as Yasuo already heard about Hiroto's piano playing, he was also intrigued and curious thereby joining Hiroto's parade.

Reviews are very nice.

Character List

Original: Why do they all have to start with 'T'.

Hiroto Tamaki

Yasuo Takagi

Mashiro Takagi

Takeshi Takeru

Love Live Characters as for now:

Maki Nishikino

Eli Ayase

Nozomi Toujou

Umi Sonoda

We never learn:

Kirisu Mafuyu


Tomoko Kuroki

ColeSly, NaiRui.

Sakura_Mikocreators' thoughts