
chapter 56:Destruction




"tch, it's tough and tough." Yuujiro said seeing that after a while of hitting the barrier he did not even see a single crack in it, although he was only hitting it with his normal fists without putting a type of power in his hands.

He wanted to test her hardness first by gently tapping her, but now that he knows how hard it is, he can use the power necessary to break it and do no harm to the island and the people on it.

"hmm, what if a meteorite or two or three threw at it." Yuujiro asked himself, rather he was muttering with a hand on his chin thinking about what would happen if he launched an attack on that scale, the barrier would stop her or just pass towards the island.

"I don't know, after spending time studying the barrier and the magic formulas that compose it, I still haven't figured out how it was done, it would take a little more time to examine it well and thoroughly." Irene answered his question: She had been interested in the invisible barrier in front of her for a moment.

Mikumo: "But there is nothing wrong with trying, no."

"Mm it's true, well .... let's try that." Yuujiro said taking out his black katana ready to launch a meteorite and see how resistant it really was, when a voice could be heard all over the place.

"Who are you, what is your purpose."

Then, right in front of them, the invisible barrier began to be visible and they could see what the entire island was like, but what caught their attention the most was the old giant in front of them.

The old giant was very close to them and you could see that he was with a serious look looking at them, also it was seen that he was a little angry.

"wow, I didn't know there was a giant in this place." Mikumo said in amazement after seeing the old giant in front of her. 'As I could not feel it, he is also one of the giants people.'

"hahaha idiot, you can't even identify magic like this, I don't know how you could have survived until now," Irene replied with a hand covering her mouth, but you could see a mocking smile under her hands as she looked at Mikumo out of the córner of her eye.

"Hey idiots, I'm talking to you ... to come to this island, what is your purpose?" The giant asked once more in a more serious tone.

Makarov rushed to the place where the sound was heard, he saw three people floating in the air, two of them were women while the man who was there was hitting the barrier. When he saw the man he recognized him immediately but did not say anything and seeing how he was trying to cross the barrier he became a giant to be more or less at his height since Yuujiro and the women were floating several meters above sea level.

'But what is Erza's brother doing here ... hmm ... I don't know what his purpose will be, but seeing as how they want to enter it won't be for something nice, I think. They've come all the way to the holy island of Fairy Tail anyway, I can't just stand idly by. '

'I must prepare for the worst, if what the council said about them then I must suppose that they are quite dangerous, but I also know that the people of the council manipulate the information and can make a small kitten look like a fierce bloodthirsty tiger. '

'But now that I met this man and I can see him up close, I know for sure that he is not a kind person, his heart is dark, and his body emits an intense smell of blood, that blood of people that he has killed, there is blood of many people on their hands, how is it that a person can emit that terrible smell in his body. '

'The only people I have felt something like this are the dark magicians, no, they cannot be compared with them..... the dark magicians would be short if I had to compare them with the man in front of me ... that man is dangerous. '

Yuujiro was looking at Makarov who was in his giant form, then he saw that he was preparing himself with a bright light forming between his hands, he just looked at what he was doing and with his katana he made a cut back and forth, after that action he keeps his katana.

"Hey, but what are you doing, you're going to attack." Makarov was watching the strange movements Yuujiro made with his katana, but after about two movements he put his katana away again. Makarov was confused and did not know what these people intended to do, he was going to speak, but when he was going to do it he saw that one of the women next to the man was pointing towards the sky.

At first he did not understand what he was referring to, but later out of pure curiosity and a bad feeling he had, he looked up and saw something terrible that made his blood freeze with sweat forming all over his body.

Up in the sky, past the clouds, three large meteorites were falling, three meteorites heading straight for the island.

"Curse." Makarov, who was ready to launch Fairy Law suddenly, did not know what to do seeing as three huge pieces of fire-engulfed rocks were heading to this place, he did not have much time to think as the meteorites fell.




Three very strong impacts resounded all over the place, shaking the entire island. The barrier protecting the island was able to withstand the force of the three giant pieces of rock that fell with force.


Mikumo and Irene were seeing all that a little surprised, the truth is that they did not think that Yuujiro really did something like that, because, what would happen if the barrier only protected them from people but not from objects that entered it.

It was pure luck that the barrier worked that way, or otherwise when the meteorites hit the island they would destroy it completely and the people who were on it would suffer great damage or worse, they may have died.

After a while they looked at Yuujiro's face and saw that he was with a disappointed look on his face, he was a little disappointed that the attacks he launched could not cross the barrier.

"tch, how boring." Yuujiro muttered, then let out a sigh, saw Makarov who was on the ground with a surprised look on his face as he looked at the three people who were in the sky.

Yuujiro was actually looking at the person behind Makarov, the person had materialized at the last second strengthening the barrier and was now looking at Yuujiro with a dark look on his cute face.

The ghost of the first teacher Mavis had appeared in time, she was seeing everything that happened but after seeing how the attack fell on the island she decided to go out and strengthen the barrier since the barrier as Yuujiro thought could only repel the people but not the objects that entered it.

And if the configuration of the barrier had not changed at the last moment, now the island would be united at the bottom of the sea with all the people who were dead there.

"Because you did something like that." Mavis spoke for the first time making his presence known at the venue surprising Makarov by the unfamiliar voice coming from behind him.

Makarov turned in a hurry and looked down, just behind him was a little girl who was walking forward slowly, he could not believe what his eyes saw and returned to his original size. 'First máster mavis.'

Makarov muttered in a shaky voice, Mavis passed him and was still looking at Yuujiro with a dark look on his face. "why you did something like that, I can feel a lot of evil and thousands of deaths from you, you have killed thousands of people, who are you." Mavis asked. She walked until she was a few meters from where Yuujiro was.

"Oh, you are amazing, you can feel even that from me, until now no person has noticed it, but well it is no surprise that you can notice it, but it seems that the old man also noticed that, how was that possible." Yuujiro asked curiously, leaving people surprised and a little confused since they didn't know what they were talking about.


Mikumo:'What they are talking about, it is true that Yuujiro-sama has killed many people, but I do not think there are thousands, so far it must not be more than 100 since I have been with him at all times and not many people have been killed with his hands.'

Mikumo was thinking about what Mavis had said, since she has been with a Yuujiro all this time and has seen how he kills people, but those deaths do not exceed 100 and not a thousand or more that this little girl talks about.


Yuujiro: "But well, I suppose you should know from my own experience how many deaths I have with me, since you have done the same, you have many deaths of innocent people with you, right. Hahahaha."

"But hey, putting that aside, you could open the barrier for a moment and let us in, we're looking for someone." Yuujiro said.

"I can't do that, I can't let a person like you step on my island." Mavis replied after coming out of her little surprise at what Yuujro had said.

"Oh, come on ... if it's just for a moment, then I'll just walk away without causing any problems."


"* Sigh * ..... well, leave me no choice but to try to force myself through." Yuujiro said and started to raise his power to throw a punch hard enough to break the barrier. Mikumo and Irene moved away from him a little seeing how he was preparing.

[Let's destroy everything like the old days]
