
chapter17: Power difference


There are all kinds of people in the world, and they are all different from their way of life, either because of their physical appearance, skin color, size, some may be tall and others a little smaller than other people.

There are some who like to kill for fun or money, there are people who like to see the sufferings of others and find pleasure in doing so. There are people who say they can do what they want for the simple reason that they are stronger and more evil. And there is no one to stop him, there are people who prefer to be alone and that having friends is shit that makes you weak in heart and makes you very soft with your enemies.

But there is also the other kind of people, those who are kind to everything and always have a false smile on their face and bring happiness to other people. There are also other people who fight for weak people who cannot defend themselves and who They don't have the strength to do it, those who like to play a hero and be praised by the masses. When performing a heroic action, there are also people who do not like killing their enemies despite the crimes they have committed, be they murder, robbery, rape, etc. and the people who will see that they will say, or what a noble heart he has, that he is capable of forgive all those, and he will not care about the crime he has committed. People will love him and respect him, but not all, because, what will happen to the relatives of the victim who took a loved one from them, they will love the person who prevents them from avenging their family or they will agree with their logic and forgive the one who violated their daughter, who killed their lover, who burned their father for revenge, but what happened to the people who felt the pain of losing someone

But let me ask you a question, if the person who says he can forgive anyone who has committed a crime, no matter how bad the crime he committed, would see right in front of his eyes how they kill his family, whether a son, lover, father-mother or your girlfriend, if he saw the guy taking the knife from his daughter's stomach that was naked and lying on the dead floor. What do you think that kind person who forgives everyone is going to do, is going to speak to the guilty very quietly so that he gives himself to justice for the crime he has committed, or he, in an attack of rage, will kill the guilty person to avenge his dead loved one, because I believe that anyone in the same position as him would take the option of killing the guilty, whether you have a very kind or very kind heart.

People who say that killing another human being is wrong, either because he had a family that would mourn his loss, a father who would leave his daughter alone if you kill him etc. Whatever the reason you kill tells you that it is wrong, and that you should not because it is a living being, and that we do not have the right to kill another person.

But let me ask you one thing; have you ever eaten meat, that juicy and tasty meat that they serve in restaurants, and they serve it on your plate, that meat that you wanted to eat every day, that meat with which you feed your family and that they eat at the table all together laughing and chatting among you while you owe it all because it is very tasty, but let me ask you a question; You know where all this meat your family eats daily came from.

That meat came out of an animal that was alive not long ago, and then ended up on your plate, but when I tell you that, maybe you will answer me; But is it just an animal ?! , but then I will tell you back; So if it is an animal, why don't you eat your cat or your dog, since they are also animals, and before you answer me that you cannot do it, because they are part of your family and that you want them as well as they love you. Then I will tell you; you see ... you just said it yourself, animals have feelings, they can cry, they can love, they can think and they are even intelligent, and we would not have the right to kill them and then consume their meat, but we do it, because this is the cycle of life for a long time, the strong eat the weakest, those who are strong are right, if you are strong you can do everything you want, you can go wherever you want, whenever you want and nobody can do anything to you since you are strong.

If a lion, the king of the jungle, is sleeping as quietly in his territory, but then a small dog arrives and starts barking and disturbing you, what do you think the lion will do to all that ..... .., the lion will only continue sleeping as if nothing and will not pay attention to the small creature that is next to him making noise, since the small creature does not represent any danger towards him, therefore he will only ignore it, since it's just a dog that barks but doesn't bite.

Now the question is, why am I telling you all this? That is why, a while ago, we were in a similar situation to the example of the lion, Mikumo and I, we were returned in the forest before, but around us the forest was burning, it was on fire, and at a certain distance from us there were bodies of people scattered all over the place, some hung from a tree, others were crushed and in some cases they only left a pool of blood in the middle of a crater where the person was crushed, and in the midst of all this fiery hell stood Mikumo and me. But as it happened, this happened, for that you have to go back 1 hour ago.

1 hour ago

After receiving the energy in my body, my mind was filled with information on how to use it and control it at my will; Mr. X after seeing our reactions curved his lips in a small smile, and told us that he would tell us when it was time to fight, since he first had to recover and when he recovers, he breaks the seal

But he said it would take some years, he was already recovering a little after he destroyed the temple that was 2 years ago, then we were talking for a while, he gave us advice on how to use it and what we could do with it, and that although we could not kill another human with this magic had its uses, after I finished explaining the most important thing, the snap of his fingers, and for a moment we were with him in the cave, to be surrounded by bandits and dark wizards, they were around 100 people who were apparently celebrating something, and everyone was watching us in a sly way.


Today we were celebrating our temporary alliance with the dark wizards, they also told us that if we cooperated with them they would give us a large sum of money, they told us that our work was easy, we just had to attack the city, kill all adults and kidnap all the children.

Our group is called (the ax band) and has about 5,000 members, we are divided into groups or divisions, I am the leader of 60 people, our specialty is theft and murder, we kill anyone who gives us money already. Sometimes we kidnap her, our base is located in the big forest that is outside the city, here in the forest we can be sure that nobody bothers us, since nobody dares to enter this


As everyone knows that deep in the forest, in the darkest there are fierce creatures that have great strength, because about 2 years ago they began to hear sounds of explosions or small tremors on the earth, and that is why that people say that there are live animals that no one has ever seen and who have woken up from their long sleep, and that now they are fighting among themselves for their territory, and every person who has dared to enter to investigate never returns to to leave, famous magicians have come from some legal guilds that came and trusting in their strength, they entered, just so that it would not be seen to leave ever again, and that happened many times, but as all the people entered the deepest and never returned , they started calling the forest with the name of (the wizard cemetery) they even put a warning at the entrance in case you enter it will be at your own risk and that you are already warned.

In addition to that, a few days ago people from different parts of the neighborhood could see how the sea was divided in two, several kilometers away and that when the sea returned to normal, it caused flooding in the nearby cities since, the Water came with great force.

Today we were putting together a plan to be able to enter the city to kill people and kidnap children. Everything was quiet on this day, my men filled the stomach with food until we could no longer, we dance and sing and our dark wizard friends They were accompanying us here next to us since tomorrow would be the day of the attack, until soon I saw how all my men looked behind my back, when I turned around to see what everyone was looking at I found two people behind me, My reaction when I saw them was to go back to a safe distance and then look back at the two people who had suddenly appeared behind me and in the middle of all the people present.

When I looked at the people who had sneaked behind me without realizing it, they were a man and a woman, as soon as I saw them I was going to open my mouth to ask who they were, but I was paralyzed with fear when I met my eyes of the man with red hair and dangerous eyes, he knew that I was looking at him and he fixed his gaze on me, and when he did, I felt that my body was made of jelly and I could not stand up from where I was, I felt that, if I dared to move he would cut me in two with his sword, no, ... that was the wrong thought, rather I saw it as he cut me.

When my eyes met him, I saw in my mind the death of my comrades in different ways possible and then I realized that we should not mess with these people. I wanted to inform my subordinates that they did nothing to them so they would not. They will prove them but my words did not come out of my voice and I could only watch in horror when my subordinates began to look for fights with them.

The very idiots began to attack them with magic after a slight situation where my subordinates asked him how they came to this place without anyone noticing and the two people did not respond, but were talking to each other as if nothing It happened to be around it seems not to matter in the least, the boys began to get angry when one of them shouted to be attacked, but when the first and the second attack failed, they all began to attack them with fire and destructive magic, but the attacks they didn't hurt them, the attacks before they touched their bodies, a strange force diverted them to the sides, falling into the surrounding trees.

Those idiots if they got the wrong people this time, I had already seen something like this once, where an extremely powerful wizard once visited my town and a child who was learning magic challenged him to a fight, but the wizard neither He even gave the child a single glance, the boy seeing this got angry and began to attack him with the poor magic he had, the magician did nothing to defend himself and only stood in the same place reading his book very quietly, while the child did everything possible to be able to hurt him in some way, but after a few minutes he got tired and threw himself on the floor breathing hard I look at the wizard to see if he could get his attention, but he just stood up from where he was sitting and left, until the last moment in which the wizard disappeared from the child's sight, not once had he dedicated One look, that meant that he was not worth his time and that he was like an ant on his way, I left my thoughts when I heard the screams of my subordinates.

What I saw was something that I will never forget in my whole life, I saw that the woman came out something like a ghost of himself from his body, but very big white, that huge ghost had one of my men trapped in his hand, then I squeezed my hand and the man exploded in a pool of blood, then I saw that many hands appeared on the ground and they were crushing everyone without leaving anyone alive, some who were wizards tried to defend themselves but it was useless since she I crushed everyone as if they were insects. The woman struck from left to right until there was no one left alive, only I was alive, seeing how everyone who was with me had died, the forest was on fire and everywhere there were human bodies buried in craters in the earth.

What scared me the most was when they started walking towards my address, I already thought I was dead and that was all for me, but my surprise was when they passed by my side and walked away and nothing else, I tried to ask him why they had left me alive, but the words still did not come out of my mouth and all I could do was sit there together with the bodies of my dead companions and wait for my death when the fire reaches me.

I think half of the chapter doesn't make sense but I didn't know how to start it, so this is what came out

Sunkenrockcreators' thoughts