
chapter 13:kushinada clan part 1

After walking for a few minutes we finally reached the mountain that could be seen in the distance, we were standing at the foot of the mountain and I must say that it is a bit strange, I must say it, the feeling it gave me was not good.

There was a strange sensation in the air, like something dark, the trees that were around were too huge, they covered the entire sky barely letting the sunlight pass through, the path to climb it started normal but as my sight got into the distance the path became it came back dark.

Some time ago I had the feeling that I had felt something, I felt watched, but when I tried to locate the presence, it strangely disappeared.

Although I do not take much importance in any way I was attentive to my surroundings.

In front of us there was a large door that prohibited entry to anyone to go to the mountain, there was a sign that said do not go through. It was something strange, I mean, on these lonely sides devoid of human life who would even think to climb this strange mountain, therefore there was no need for the warning sign.

After thinking about it, I kicked the door knocking it down and we went in, continuing on our way.

Looking closely, I noticed that the door was quite old, it had lots of talismans stuck on the other side from the inside, that's why I hadn't noticed it before, but since the door was in pieces all of that came out into view.

"Hey Mikumo, you know what these talismans are for." I asked him grabbing one and showing it to him.

Mikumo looked at it carefully for a while turning it over and examining the letters that were written, frowning with her finger touched the ink and then looked at her finger.

Thinking about it a bit, after a while she looked at me and said. "I really do not know." Pointing to the continuous paper. "But what I am sure of is that this is a kind of spell to enclose or seal, I know because these engravings are similar to one that our family has."

"Then you know.!" I told. "You told me just now that you didn't know and then you explain everything to me." Sighing, I shook my head. "So, basically this is a writing that serves to seal, but, what?" Tap the stamp with your finger.

"Who knows." I answer. "This is something very old, I cannot calculate how many years it has been in this place, the engravings are slightly different but it has some patterns that I can recognize."

Walking a bit I stayed looking at the deepest part of the mountain where practically nothing was seen, comment. "You know, a few moments ago I could feel something strange, but as soon as I felt it that something disappeared and no matter how I looked for it, it did not ask to locate it."

Mikumo stood next to me and with his finger on his chin looked around him. "I don't feel anything strange, but if you say it and see those talismans on the door, it is most likely that there is something locked up and sealed in this place, although if that were true, it is most likely that whatever there was been here has already died a long time, do not believe the same. "

"Well, never mind, let's just move on, after all there's no use worrying about something we don't see." Stepping on a talisman on the ground, I walked forward into the depths of the mountain with Mikumo following me.

We were walking, crossing the mountain forest when suddenly again I could feel that presence, but it disappeared immediately, and now I was on high guard waiting for an attack. But then and after a while nothing happened.

I looked at Mikumo and I saw her calm looking around her happily humming, apparently she didn't feel anything or didn't notice.

I slowed my pace as I looked at the road ahead.

Incredibly in this place that was long ago too dark to see inside, now I realize that everything is seen too clearly and wild animals run everywhere.

"Something's wrong Yuujiro-sama." Mikumo asked. "For a moment I have seen he restless, something bothers him."

"You're not sorry Mikumo." I point out. "You don't feel like for a moment it feels like someone is watching us."

I didn't relax one bit, and every time, every second that we were standing in this forest it felt strange. The wind that until a moment ago was running strongly stopped abruptly, the animals that passed in front of us disappeared, the noises of the birds that were singing for a long time, stopped.

"Well, I can't feel anything around us, it's just the two of us and some animals that pass by from time to time." Mikumo said, confused.

Mikumo closed her eyes and began to think for a few moments, when she opened them she looked at me strangely and somewhat nervously, then she began to say to me nervously as if apologizing. "Now I remembered where we are." I look around and explain.

"This is the forbidden mountain, when my mother was still alive she told me not to go near this mountain under any circumstances, even though the barrier also covered part of this mountain, I have never come here, I don't know why. I forbade me to approach and when I asked her the reason for that, she replied that she was not yet ready to know the "truth" although I don't know what she was referring to. "

"Hey hey, so if that's true, what your mother told you about never entering this place must have been for some very dangerous reason." I told him, I was cautious now as I tried to feel this mountain.

I was about to continue talking to her but suddenly I felt something approaching with the intention of attacking us. "Hey watch out, something's coming!" I yelled at her in a hurry and at the moment she was already with her back pressed against mine looking behind me, apparently she had also felt the danger.

Suddenly under the ground where we were, a kind of hole opened that swallowed us, sucked us in and we found ourselves falling into the earth.

"Yuujiro-sama be careful.!"

Mikumo hugged me while we were falling, she wrapped her arms and legs around my body as if she wanted to cover me with her body and hide me, the strangest thing in all this is that I looked at her face and seemed happy at everything I was passing by, her face was flushed and her eyes were intense but happy.

She clung to my body tighter, she was squeezing me so hard that I had to use some haki to protect myself, because if I didn't, maybe I might end up with some broken bones, and I'm not kidding, because she was very strong.

"Hey stop squeezing me so hard" I told her, in a futile attempt to push her away from me, but she didn't seem to hear me because she was daydreaming in her crazy imagination again. There was nothing I could do, since my arms are trapped in her and I couldn't move. Also, I couldn't see anything, she had her breasts in my face and it was blocking my view.

We were falling towards the depths of the earth and we still did not touch the bottom, I tried to use magic to be able to fly but I could not use it, it was as if something or someone was preventing me from using it and a strange force was drawing us towards it. background of the earth.

There was also a small problem and it was that Mikumo in the middle of our fall had fallen asleep hugging me and did not wake up.

After a long time of being in free fall, in the dark a small light began to be seen and it began to light up slowly, that was the signal that we were going to hit rock bottom so I tried to use magic again to slow down our fall, and for my taste now it works so I was able to land softly on the ground without any problem.

I looked at Mikumo who still hadn't woke up and by her expression you could tell that she was having a happy dream. I can't walk with her clinging to me so I changed her position and put her on my back so she can see ahead of me, since before I only saw huge breasts on my face.

I began to see the place where we had fallen, we were in a very open space, it was large with huge pillars that reached towards the ceiling trying to support the earth. Those pillars had strange engravings. There were statues of dragons decorating the place in a circle.

In the distance I could make out a huge statue different from the small ones, it was a statue of a dragon much bigger than the others and on the head of the dragon you could see a person sitting in a meditation position, you couldn't see him the features of his face but you could see that he was a young man.

The room, despite being closed, had fresh air and was very clean, I looked at the huge sculpture of the dragon and saw that on the floor in front there were some strange symbols that surrounded it in a circle. I started walking towards the sculpture to be able to see the details well, I was struck by the fact that the sculpture seemed very real, with fine details on his body.

But when I was only a few meters away from approaching, I suddenly heard someone scream.



Author's note.

From now on the chapters will have several grammatical errors. I just rewrote chapters 2 to 13, therefore from here on they are with many errors.
