
Open Your Eyes

'Creepy,' he thought to himself. Well, it didn't seem like she minded how clingy and creepy he was around her. He would just continue until she says otherwise.

"So, this is why you smell so nice," he commented out of the blue. She turned a little to look at him.

"Do you want to use it too?" she asked lightly, but then she scrunched up her brow. "You'll smell like me… but you won't smell like yourself. I like how you smell."

He gave her a pleasant smile. "I feel the same way."

Usually, they would have loved if the other person smelled like them and it was natural for couples to mark their other half that way, but… Katherine and Cage appreciated how unique they were. Sometimes? Yeah, they wouldn't mind indulging and smelling like the other, but not always. Wasn't the scent of someone's body all about pheromones?
