
Chapter 195: Catching Up

After speaking with my family and getting reacquainted with them because of the time gap, I cooked them a meal. I may not have been there for my family as I should but I did make sure to return for every anniversary, birthday and special events. Although I may not have shown it before, I made sure to leave on those days from other universes. Not to mention it gave time for the original story to realign. Mei and Tsunade have not aged at all because of the food, which made me happy. So when I cooked for them, their skin and hair became glossy and their already tight bodies just looked even more tempting. Tsunade didn't even need to manipulate her looks at all when I first cooked for her. Ryu and Rose were grown and I missed most of their youth milestones.

I shook my head at the predicament I was in and the only way I can prove that I was not at fault is to catch who was. I know that it was partially my fault but saying sorry will just be empty, I listened intently to all of their stories, experiences and fights. They have grown stronger but lost some momentum when I didn't come. They have become Super Saiyans but not much stability. I promised them that I will train with them and become stronger than they are now. I also learned of my son's girlfriend and my daughter's boyfriend, both of which I will meet later. Mei and Tsunade told the kids, who now live away from home, to come back tomorrow and let them have some time with me, giggity.

The next day Ryu and Rose came to pick me up and show me how much Konoha has changed. Konoha has become more technologically advanced than it was before, even though it was limited to some devices. The ninja technology advanced the furthest compared to the other things that I saw. We went to Ichiraku Ramen for a snack before we went to my parent's house for a meal. They were already told that I returned so my little sister was there as well with her family. Too much time has passed and I was at a loss for words. After eyeing Hikari's husband, who was from the Uchiha clan, I approved. I cooked the family a meal to restore the vitality, strength and youthfulness they should've had before I went "missing".

My family told me that after Minato, Kakashi and then Naruto became Hokage. Tsunade's disciples grew when I was gone so her position in the village became higher. Due to the advancements in technology, she learned more medical information. Mei mostly stayed at home but when she wasn't she helping the Kirigakure get along with Konoha as an ambassador. While I was gone, a few other ninja villages tried to attack knowing I was not here but were quickly repelled, nothing too serious though. Hashirama and Tobirama still acted as guardians when needed but mostly trained the newer generation. I went to go see Minato and his family before I paid Naruto a visit.

Minato: I can't believe you came back! It's good to see that you are fine.

Sage: Yeah, I'm back.

Kushina: It doesn't sound like you're happy to be back.

Sage: I came back and forth between dimensions and universes like I have done before and when I come back when I just left, ten years have passed. Why would I be happy knowing my family and friends thought I was missing or dead? And missing ten years of my wives, children's and friends lives?

Minato: We can understand. Do you know how it happened?

Sage: So far I have an idea but unless I can confirm it, the fault will lies with me.

Kushina: So what makes you think it's not your fault, hmm?

Sage: I warned you guys before of a new group called Kara, remember?

Minato: Yeah, I remember. When I was still Hokage I tried finding them but there was little to no clues as to who they were. Even Jiraya-sensei had no luck when he was traveling out.

Sage: Even him huh? When the Otsutsuki came to plant the Divine Tree for the Chakra fruit, Kaguya didn't come alone.

Minato: And you're thinking that the other Otsutsuki that came with Kaguya is still alive and did something about your return through the Yomotsu Hirasaka?

Sage: Who other than an Otsutsuki, can interfere with the Yomotsu Hirasaka?

I nodded my head. We also talked about the last ten years. Like the others, I cooked for them to have their vitality restored. Kushina could not stop crying over the feeling and appearance of her youth returning to her. Since I somewhat knew the cause of the time gap I can now make sure to not let it happen again and keep my promises again. I told Ryu and Rose to get their grandpas, Hashirama and Tobirama, for a feast dinner later on with Minato and Naruto's family. I intend to keep them all alive and super healthy.

Ryu and Rose had prior dates so they left before I went to meet with the current Hokage, Naruto. I shook my head as I approached the door, because the story line self-corrected, I kind of knew what to expect but hopefully with what I instilled in Naruto it would turn out a bit different. For instance, since Tsuunade became my wife and Minato was still alive, Kakashi regained a lot of his lost power when he got the Sharingan so he became the Godaime (Fifth Hokage) and then went to Naruto who is now the Rokudaime (Sixth Hokage). I knocked on the door…

Naruto: Come in.

Sage: I see someone moved up in the world.

Naruto: Sage-nii!

Naruto knew I was here but needed to see me to confirm. His eyes were wide as he went in to hug me, even with Shikamaru in the room. He used his dad's technique to hug me quickly. I returned the hug but with mixed feelings because of the time gap. I really tried not to fuck with time in any of the universes because of these reasons and now someone forced it upon me. Honestly, I cared very little for things in my previous life that concerned people or society, such as political stands or social stands. If someone were to be gay or transgender, cool, you're a Republican or Democrat, cool, Religious or Atheist, awesome. My biggest problem with any of that is to bring it to my face. Be whatever you want to be, BUT, don't expect me to give a fuck. The moment you enforce your beliefs on me, then you are just fucking around to find out what I am about. In this case, Isshiki will wish he didn't fuck with me. Since his real body is alive, I guess I have new eyes to take now don't I?

I've known Naruto since he was born and there were not many times he actually cried. Even though Naruto was now older and taller he is still shorter than I am. Good thing too since he began to cry a little, haha.

Sage: Alright lil' bro, get back to what you were doing.

Naruto went back to chair.

Naruto: Haha, I thought you left us for good but every conclusion we drew were answers that could or would ever happen.

Sage: What did you guys come up with?

Naruto: The stupidest one we came up with was that you died, hahaha!

Sage: Wow, you guys were desperate for answers, haha.

Naruto: The others were that you no longer wanted to come back and others concluded that you were stuck somewhere. But, I'm guessing you might know the answer better than us.

Sage: Truthfully, there was nothing that happened to me but something or someone messed with my return. And trust me they are going to pay, dearly.
