
Rocks pirates

A/N: I don't know when Whitebeard and big mom got their devil fruits so I will just include the devil fruits in the story. There has been no information about Silver Axe and Ochoku so I will use personalities and appearances of my own. The same goes for Rocks D. Xebec. Keep in mind that the personalities of Whitebeard, big mom, Kaido and Shiki will be different since they are younger than in the actual timeline of one piece. Let's begin.


It has been two days since I left that damn island. I haven't found any land..

I am starting to run out of food. There is no water either.

If I die then I will just respawn on that island right?

But the island is gone...

Want to know how?

Heh, I don't know either.

It happened when I took off. I looked behind me to see it one last time but to no avail. It was gone... It was like it never even existed.

Truly a mystery...

I looked into the bright sky, I smiled. I felt... What was it called again? Scared? No. Hopeless? That's it not either... Agh I don't know.

I will just wait until the sea brings me somewhere... I closed my eyes... Slowly falling into a deep slumber..


"Jihahahaha, Rocks, we found something."

"Good! I hope it is food, I have been starving ever since I fought that damned Admiral."

Huh? Voices... That smell too? It couldn't be right?

"Gurararara, he stood no chance against you."

"Haaahahamamama, the Admirals have been getting weaker and weaker."

"Wororororo, It is not the Admirals that have become weaker. It is us who have become stronger."

"Haha, The damn reptile is right. We are the ones getting stronger."


"Shishishishi, try not to destroy the ship you dimwits."


"Oi! You damn idiots, quiet down a bit, I am trying to sleep here."

"Ahem, fine. Anyways Shiki, what did you and Ochoku find?"

"Ah yes, it seems to be a human."

"Well f*ck. I was hoping it was something edible."

Hm? I was right... They are humans. They smell like humans. At least most of them, one doesn't smell human yet is in a human form?

An evil smile slowly formed on my face.

"So what should we do with the brat?"

"Heh, just kill it."

I slowly opened my eyes. Heh, they wanted to kill me? Pathetic.

"Oh? The brat is awake. Good!"

I jumped upwards landing on the ship's deck and within a blink of an eye my bone sword had already pierced the man's arm.

"Argh! Damn this brat is good." He said and swung his sword towards me.

Damn he was slow... I coated my arm in black metal and uppercutted him. I roundhouse kicked his face and jumped backwards. The man had no idea what just happened. Well he looked like he didn't.

"Well damn, he just defeated Ochoku..."

"Jihahahaha, Ochoku just got defeated by him."

I looked at them... I don't know if it is me who shrunk or them who became bigger.

I am serious here. These guys are huge...

Well there are three of them whom aren't as enormous but damn the others are big...

I placed my 'spawnpoint' on their ship. I can freely slaughter them now.

I looked around me. There were a total of eight enemies. I defeated one of them so seven more to go. I decided which one I will fight next. He wore weird clothes and had long blond hair like manes of a lion. He looked like some sort of samurai. He had a cigar in his mouth and two held two swords in his hand.

I smiled. I dashed towards him, reverse gripped my bone sword and slashed it towards him.

He was stronger than the weakling that I just fought. He used his swords to block my attack. I quickly punched him in the stomach and swung my sword again. Huh? He touched my sword and pointed his finger upwards. It began to f*cking float? I lost it.

Damn sorcery... Well I don't really die so that should be sorcery too right?

Anyways my bone sword started to fly towards me at high speed. I jumped sideways and caught it's hilt. I dashed towards him and instantly spun my body 360 ̊ and went for a side thrust.

I don't know how but the water around the ship started to float and spin around the ship. They started to form giant lion heads? A total of six lion heads surrounded us. They were each at least three times the size of this ship.

"SHISHI ODOSHI GOSHO CHIMAKI" He yelled and the lion heads started to dash towards me.

Does he intent to sink this damn ship? And why the f*ck did he just yell that? It sounds stupid...

"Die in despair!" He yelled. He started grinning. The lions began to roar too...

Why though? I would love to die but I really can't and how is it possible for f*cking water lion heads to f*cking roar?

I coated my bone sword in black metal and my red/golden energy. I observed the lions heads as they approached me. I grinned. I took a single step forward and vanished from the spot.

Soon after I appeared again. The lion heads were cut in pieces.

Hehe, are you surprised? I figured this out back on the island before I fought Kitty cat. Why didn't I use it against kitty cat then? Because that damn kitten also held back. I am not even surprised if that damn beast is still alive. I did eat his meat though... But I am still not surprised if its still alive..

Water splashed and spattered all around and the man had a truly wonderful expression. He seemed confused, surprised and angry at the same time. Heh, I haven't seen such an expression since I first made my debut back then. I also concluded that this is not Earth. So I guess it is time to start having some fun here...

I grinned, I was looking at the man with an 'innocent' smile. The man looked really surprised. While he was still recovering from the shock I was already close to him and struck him from below with an upwards thrust.

He was wounded. A long deep vertical cut was seen on his abdomen. He coughed blood.

Damn these guys are weak compared to kitty cat. I gave him a roundhouse kick against the head and he was unconscious.

Is it just me that is strong or these guys that are weak?

I looked at the others. They were smiling? Why? Didn't I just defeat their 'crew member'? Aren't they going to avenge him?

I was about to attack another one of them when a guy appeared in front of me. Compared to the others he was small. At least half their size. He had long hair that was gathered into tendrils sticking in every direction. He wore a sailor's jacket.

"Oi, you brat. I am Rocks D. Xebec. Now what is your name?" He asked. He was grinning...

A name? What was my name again? I used too many... But I guess I could use my most recently used name. Since he has D in his name I assume it is normal? I will use it too.

It remained silent for a few seconds. They felt like minutes...

I finally spoke. "It's Akuma D. Zelos."

"Hah! I see you also carry the will of D. Anyways brat, do you want to join my crew?" He said while smiling brightly...


A/N: Either you deal with this or I remove this chapter and volume and just make Mc go on killing sprees and stuff. Choose since I doubt that I really like where this is heading...

Hehe~ Get cliff hanged.

I made Xebec's personality a bit similiar to that of Luffy since I didn't know how he actually acts and is.

Don't worry he only has the playful part of Luffy and not his stupidity. He can be serious from time to time.

I changed MC's strength lvl to a bit above admiral since he will be joining the Rocks pirates.

Tell me what you think of it in the comments.


PinguGod_creators' thoughts