
Chapter 226 Karen Vs Reck

Zivon and the group reach the next room and see 2 people standing there

It was the last 2 members before The Masked Man

"Karen, Julie handle them will ya?"

Zivon asks Karen and Julie

"You got it"

Karen replies to Zivon

"Go ahead Zivon"

Julie tells Karen

One of them tries to attack Zivon and the other when suddenly a Nuclear boom comes in the middle of them

"Oi, you are mine"

Karen tells Reck

"oh really"

says Reck

Reck heads towards Karen

He covers his fist with Rock and Karen covers his fist with Nuclear Power

Their punches hit each other faces

Reck gets blown away and smashes on the ground

Karen just gets a scratch on his face

"Man I have got overpowered"

Karen tells himself

As Reck faints on the ground

"If you have defeated him so go on ahead, I will take care of him"

Julie tells Karen

"Okay, see ya"

Suddenly His movements are stoped

"What, I can't move"

Karen gets punched from the back and crashes on the ground

"What just happened?!"

Julie asks Karen

"I don't know"

Karen replies to Julie

Julie gets attacked by the guy and she starts fighting him

"Whatever it is, Karen Take care of it, or else it will be a problem for us"

Julie tells Karen

"Got it"

Karen replies to Julie

Karen stands up and looks around

He sees no one other than

Julie, the person he is fighting and himself

suddenly he gets punch in the stomach

and also gets knees in the face

Karen coughs out blood

"Wait a minute, what if the person I am fighting can't be seen?"

Karen asks himself

Karen closes his eyes and feels for movement

he hears a kick coming from his left and dodges it

and kicks him back

He hits something

Karen opens his eyes to see no one there

"Someone is here that I can't see but he is here"

Karen thinks to himself

He again closes his eyes to feel the movement

A Kicks was coming towards him

It was too late to dodge it so he turned around and grabbed it

"Nuclear Boom!"

The Wall gets something smashed on it and suddenly a cough comes from behind Karen

He looks behind him to see It was the Reck fainted but he coughed out blood

"Don't tell me that his power is not to change his hand into rock but to use his power after he faints"


Reck-Power Invisible Man, Uses his rock hand to faint himself

Karen then switches his target to Reck

He heads towards Reck

The Invisible man runs towards Karen and stops him by his hand

it brings him towards itself trying to punch him in the face

but Karen raises his hand and does another Nuclear Boom and the invisible man gets blown away

Karen then immediately heads towards Reck and picks him up

makes a Nuclear covered punch and punches him

Reck gets blown away towards the person Jennie was fighting and takes him down with him

Reck is dead

Jennie shows Karen a thumbs up

Karen smiles and then falls down and faints

End of Chapter

