
Baby Arc I : Cutest Baby Ever!!

Though the world around him turned dark after the being had sent him off, he didn't really feel any change other than knowing that he was no longer in his room.

He knew this as he couldn't feel a single thing, it was as if every part of his physical being had been removed and all that was left was his consciousness and thought.

He had been expecting to fall into some sort of sleep and wake up as a newborn in a hospital, still unsure whether or not he had arrived in the other world due to any sort of senses whatsoever.

As unnerving as it was to experience, it also was relaxing in a way as he was able to fully indulge in his thoughts and plans for the future without being distracted by the physical world.

It had only been a few minutes since he had been supposedly transferred and he was still holding up quite well due to everything he was thinking about, about his powers, about his new life and world, and his goals for the future too.

Before he could even start to think of how long this would last before he went insane, a sudden surge of information forth, overwhelming his thoughts.

The information was purely his senses returning to him and them going to work on gathering information from the outside world.

From the feeling of rubber on his small back and head, to the cold air brushing against his sensitive skin, the senses he felt confirmed to him that he had successfully entered the other world called Vanterio.

While his senses assaulted him, he had attempted to move any part of his body and found that he was able to move his limbs, though it was more of a twitch than actual movement.

He was glad that he had been able to do so despite being in a newborn's body, the experience he had gone through was still heavily unnerving despite his excited thoughts and he was glad to be in control again no matter how small the control.

After confirming his minuscule control over his body, he started to focus on the two most important senses he had, his vision and hearing, in order to gain information about his surroundings.

As someone who usually rushes through tutorials of newly released games, in favor of starting the actual adventure, he wanted to get as much of a headstart as possible in his new life, wanting to take every opportunity to do so.

Opening his fresh pair of eyelids was a bit of an ordeal as it felt as if weights were weighing them down, though he did manage eventually.

With his eyes exposed to the world, the first thing he saw was his current location. He was in a pure white room that was filled with an assortment of equipment that he couldn't recognize. Though he wouldn't be able to recognize normal medical equipment anyhow.

Aside from the equipment, there was also an assortment of other items like potted plants, fanciful tables, and other tasteful decoration all along the walls of the room, with a large window off to the side overseeing a marvelous city that just screamed 'science fiction'.

He turned his attention to the occupants, seeing two female nurses in typical looking nurse uniforms not far from him, both of them looking over at him with a small smile.

The one holding him was also a female nurse that looked much older than the first two, with a glint of experience visible in her eyes. She also looked at him with a satisfied smile.

She was blocking his view of the bed which annoyed him a little as he wanted to see the face of his newest family. His wish was granted when a young man appeared at the corner of his eye, who had came from the side of the bed.

The young man looked in his early twenties with messy short lime hair and pale blue eyes, he was quite tall, being even taller than he was in his previous life. He was obviously well built despite the thick clothing that looked like some sort of military uniform.

His features were slightly grizzled but melded in with a sort of bishounen look. Though the aura he gave off was one of a man instead of someone who made teenage girls scream in excitement.

He slowly approached the nurse holding his newborn child as if afraid that he might spook them.

The nurse chuckled lightly seeing this and slowly turned towards the man and mother of the child on the bed.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Lanixer, you are now parents to a healthy baby girl" The nurse happily to the two anticipating parents.

Both parents became relieved and joyful upon hearing so, both becoming eager to see hold their child.

The brand new father stepped up to nurse, with his arms slowly starting to rise as he started to speak.

"Can I hold her?" He asked with a bit a nervousness present in his tone, and an equal amount of excitement and happiness.

The nurse simply nodded, and carefully passed the newborn over to her new father.

The amount of love the transmigrated newborn could feel radiating off of her new father was beyond anything she had felt in her previous life.

She had never personally gotten to know her own parents in her previous life as they had been involved in an accident when she was only a baby and had lived with her grandparents until she was eighteen.

Though she knew her grandparents loved her very much, it couldn't be compared to the love a parent would exude upon holding their newborn child.

She decided then and there that she would do her utmost to protect and care for her parents, as well as make them proud of her growth and future achievements.

Her father slowly walked over to the bedside, gently placing her on the bed between him and her new mother.

Her mother had long caramel hair and hazel eyes, with soft features that made her look younger than she actually was, looking like she was only in her late teens.

Her looks could easily surpass most top models on earth, and despite the loose-fitting hospital gown she wore, her physical features could surpass them as well, especially in certain areas of interest.

She was very satisfied that both of her parents were highly attractive, being the child of two attractive people would only boost her own potential for beauty and physical cuteness.

Though she hoped that this world wasn't purely made of attractive people as it would be a challenge to stand out amongst everyone, even the three nurses in the room could easily become popular models on earth.

"What should we name her? You decided that we'll hold off on any names until we see her with our own eyes after all." Her father asked, already thinking up of names that would suit the baby in between them.

"I made up my mind the moment I saw her" Her mother smiled gently as she looked upon her, also feeling the same if not stronger amount of love radiating off of her.

"Well, what is it?"


Upon hearing her name, Astraea gave a toothless smile and giggled in happiness, surprising both parents who were a little worried on why she had not made a single sound since being born.

That smile and the sound of her giggles not only alleviated their worries but also caused them to join in the laughter.

Astraea herself was actually a little surprised as she had not done that consciously but in reaction to the name, she was given, wondering if her powers were already in effect.

'Astraea huh? Named after the Greek goddess of innocence and purity, if a name like that won't guarantee my potential cuteness, then nothing will!' The omniverse seemed to be supporting her in her endeavor of becoming the cutest.

With the high amount of points she received at the start, a world that couldn't be more ideal, her attractive parents and her new name, she couldn't help but think of how lucky she's been.

Thinking back at all the gacha games she had played where she always won the rarest items easily, along with how little she had to farm in comparison to others due to getting the drops she needed, she guessed that she had always been lucky.


As there were still multiple tests that needed to be done before she could go home with her new parents, they had all stayed at the hospital for a couple more hours.

In that time, Astraea had been able to gain a lot of good information from conversations.

She was thankful that the official language in Alcavia was English due to the diversity of the country, else she would have spent the majority of the time trying to learn a new language, negating her headstart.

She was able to learn her parent's names, being Aereon Lanixer for her father and Paela Lanixer for her mother, making her Astraea Lanixer.

She had also learned that some of the tests were magical in nature due to the terms they used that would only be used in fiction.

One of the tests was called 'Post-birth Magic Affinity' and it was exactly as it was named, testing the magic affinity of the newborn shortly after birth.

The reason they did this was due to children's magic affinity being unstable when they are younger, making it easily subject to constant change until the age of four.

What affected their affinity in this period was the environment they lived in, their interaction with certain things related to certain attributes and even their mentality that was shaped by those around them and how they were educated or treated.

If a child below four were to be constantly in contact with water such as living near a beach and going out to swim every day, it would increase their affinity with water, even just being near the sea would increase their affinity with water naturally as well as nature magic.

It was also possible for affinities to decrease, but researches still have not created a solid theory for affinities decreasing.

The family of three had been led into a different room for the test, inside was a relatively sparse room with no window, containing a huge piece of equipment similar to diagnostic imaging equipment, though the entrance was baby-sized.

Her parents didn't seem to react negatively to the slightly imposing piece of equipment, making her think that they fully trusted this hospital and had no doubts regarding their methods.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Lanixer, let's not waste any time as the sooner all the tests are complete, the sooner you can go home with your baby. Lay her on the seat here if you would please." A middle-aged doctor with a doctor's gown went to greet them, not bothering to look at them as he continued to tweak and set up the machine with a computer built into the side.

Aereon nodded in reply as he went over to the protruding seat, and gently placed Astraea on the seat.

Astraea looked curiously at the machine in front of her, with no signs of crying from leaving her father. The doctor looked over curiously, as he had been ready to activate the built-in sleep spell the moment he heard a peep out of the newborn.

It wasn't too unusual as he had encountered newborns like that before and he continued as normal, deciding to keep Astraea awake during the test.

After a few minutes, he had activated the machine and the seat slowly moved toward the opening, the backrest declining backward as well.

With Astraea fully in the machine, the doctor started activated the main function which was to test the magic affinities of newborns. The machine did its work with a quiet hum while the two parents waited patiently behind the doctor.

They were both slightly nervous not due to the safety of their child, but of the results the test would show, worried that she would have a below-average overall affinity which would result in some confidence issues down the road, not to mention being less likely to work in a magic related job in the future.

The first results of the test started to come out, starting from the popular four elements, the doctor had purposely arranged the affinities to be tested from the most popular attributes to the least popular.

'I'm kinda bummed that I wouldn't be able to see my parent's reactions when they see my affinities. I hope they don't get a heart attack, hehe~' Astraea thought to herself as she calmly waited for the test to be over.

Hope you like the chapter, might upload another one but don't get your hopes up.

Like always leave a comment or any suggestions if you want to.

Hope none of you are turned off by the pace.

See ya tomorrow~

DestroKindcreators' thoughts