
Chapter 15: Talents

The Best Day by Taylor Swift

Auster's Pov

After breakfast we all took a bath and now Here we are at my parking lot and Jasmine and Maiah along with the guys, boarded the black Coaster, luckily they fit in, while I let Alden along with Maine to drive my Nissan Skyline Gt and I rode a 1967 Ford Mustang

"see you guys later"I said as I drove towards Mai's house

I stop in front of their house and got off my car and went straight to their door and knocked three times

"coming!"Mai shouted

The door opened revealing Mai in a simple red shirt, jeans and pair of converse with her eyeglasses

"Hi and Good Morning"I said to her wearing a smile

"hello and Good Morning too"she replied smiling

"who is it honey?"her mom asked her from their kitchen

"its Auster Mom!"she replied

"can I come in?"I asked her

"yeah ofcourse come in"she said

"oh hello dear, so why did you come here early?"her mom asked me

"well Mom Im here to ask if its okay if I will be escorting Mai to school"I asked her

"its okay besides Ill be using her car because my car is under maintenance while the twins got their ride"her mom said

"thanks mom"I replied

"okay I'm ready"Mai said as she put obey her beanie and her backpack

"Bye Mom!"She said to her mom as we got out their house

"so mind telling me why your doing this?"she asked as I drove away

"don't you remember that you gave me a week to prove myself to you and I want you to meet someone special to me"I replied

"who?"she asked again

"you'll know her when we get there"I replied

"are you hiding something?"she asked again

"I'll let you know all of my past. I had a kid and I adopted her last year after I turned 18"I confessed

"why?"she replied

"I met her when she was 5 while I was 10 that time at a children's home. The Elder there told me that Her parents died when she was a baby. I always visit her. I promised her to adopt her when I turn on tge right age"I said

"what is her name?"she asked

"your about to know"I replied as I parked my car beside the coaster that Maiah drove

I got down first and opened the door for her

Mai's Pov

"thank you"I said kindly

"anything for you"he replied

"ready on your second day?"I asked

"yeah look there they are!"he said

He grab my hand we walked towards the group. I noticed two new persons, a girl and a boy

"hi Mai!"Mk said enthusiastically

"You too Mk"I replied

"we'll go first see you later guys"Maiah said as they walk towards their respective rooms

"Mai I would like you to meet Alden and Maine"he said

"hi! My name's Nicomaine Dei Mendoza or simply Maine"the girl said

"Im Marty Mionette Losoya, Mai for short"I replied as we shake hands

The guy just stood so Maine elbowed him

"I-im Alden Richards, Auster's right hand"he said

"they're also part of my family and I want you to meet ugh Maine where is she?"Auster asked the girl

"I don't know but Alden and I will get our schedules and locker numbers"Maine said as she took Alden's hand and walks away from us

As they walk away I noticed that they have this weird feeling towards each other

"are they what Im thinking?"I asked Auster

"yeah, they like each other since we where Kids"He replied

"hey im just gonna go to the rest room see you in class"I said to him as I went straight to the Girls CR

As I entered the CR I noticed a young girl in front of the mirror

"are you alright?"I asked her

She faced me and I saw whats happening. Her left arm is bleeding and she is covering it with tissue

"Ugh do you know where the clinic is?"she asked

"yeah come on I'll accompany you"I said as I helped her with her things

We were walking on the hall going to the clinic. Well its kinda awkward so I decided to start the conversation

"so what's your name?"I ask her

"Well my name's Jasmine Thompson. Jas for short I'm new here"she said

"I'm Marty Mionette Losoya. Sometimes they call me Marty or Mio but I prefer Mai, nice to meet you"I replied as I shaked hands with her

"the same"she said as she smiled

"here we are"I said as I opened the door of the clinic for her

"yes girls how do I help you?"Nurse Jean said

"I got wounded"Jasmine said

"come here"Nurse Jean said as she clean the wound with alcohol and wrapped it with bandage

"thank you"Jas said kindly as nurse Jean looked at me

"how about you Mai?"she asked me

"I just accompanied her"I said

"well you two are already late so I'll just make an excuse letter for you two. You two can go now"Jean said as she gave us our excuse letter

"do you know this room"Jas asked kindly as she showed me her schedule with her room with it

"Broadway huh yeah I will be passing it. And it means I'll be walking with you again"I said

"um Mai thank you for accompanying me"Jasmine said

"its okay with me and here we are"I replied

I knocked at their room and it revealed Ms. Crystal Flint

"hi Ms. Flint"I said

"oh hello Mai good thing your here and you too Ms Thompson"she said as she let us in

"Class we have a new student here and I hope you'll be friends with her"she said as Jasmine walks closer to her

"we also have Ms Losoya for our activity today"She said as the students began whispering

"Mai do you know whats happening?"Jasmine asked me

"all I know is that I'm excused on Trigonometry"I replied as the both of us sat down near the door

"our activity for today will be different. We must be ready to sing. So well have a contest. We'll choose 3 best students. The top three will have 20 points for this activity and for the ones who were not chosen will receive 18 points. I'll let you prepare for 5 minutes. You can invite students from other levels to back you up. And we have 4 judges, Ms Losoya is one of them. Students good luck"Ms Flint said as students gather around

"Jasmine do you know someone here?"I asked the girl

"yeah wait here I'll call someone"she said as she got out her phone and dialed a number

Ms Flint gestured me to seat in a chair facing at the back of the stage

"Mai all you need is to listen to their voices and how they deliver their song. You won't be facing them but in the end you can face them after their song"Ms Flint said I nodded

Five minutes passed by. My co judges came in and they are Mr Eckheart, Ms Simmons and our principal Mr Nautilus

Students already started singing and Moments later we're almost done and the last performer will be Jasmine

"and next stop Ms Jasmine Thompson"Ms Flint introduced the girl

"before we start can we ask you on what song did you choose?"Mr Nautilus asked her

"It's The Best Day by Taylor Swift.I dedicate this song for my father"she replied

As someone started the intro

"I'm five years old

It's getting cold

I've got my big coat on"she started

"I hear your laugh

And look up smiling at you

I run and run"she continued

"Past the pumpkin patch

And the tractor rides

Look now -- the sky is gold

I hug your legs and fall asleep

On the way home"home"I love the way she sings

"I don't know why all the trees change in the fall

I know you're not scared of anything at all

Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away

But I know I had the best day

With you today"she sang as I relate to the song

"I'm thirteen now

And don't know how my friends

Could be so mean

I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys

And we drive and drive

Until we've found a town

Far enough away

And we talk and window-shop

Until I've forgotten all their names

I don't know who I'm gonna talk to

Now at school

I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you

Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay

But I know I had the best day

With you today"her voice filled with such emotion

"I have an excellent father

His strength is making me stronger

God smiles on my father

Inside and out

He's better than I am

I grew up in a pretty house

And I had space to run

And I had the best days with you

There is a video

I found from back when I was three

You set up a paint set in the kitchen

And you're talking to me

It's the age of princesses and pirate ships

And the seven dwarfs

Daddy's smart

And you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

Now I know why all the trees change in the fall

I know you were on my side

Even when I was wrong

And I love you for giving me your eyes

Staying back and watching me shine

And I didn't know if you knew

So I'm taking this chance to say

That I had the best day

With you today"she ended the song smoothly as we judges turn around

And surprisingly Auster stood there with Jasmine by her side wiping away a tear fallen on her cheeks

"I have a question. Why did you choose Mr Mañalac out of all other students?"Ms Simmons asked her

"the answer is kinda personal and I knew him Ma'am. Mr Nautilus will explain the rest. I hope you understand"she replied

I gave my vote to my co judges and let them decide to choose while I walk towards to where Auster and Jasmine was standing

"hey"I said to them

"Mai I would like you to meet Jasmine, my daughter"Auster said as Jasmine and I giggled

"what? Did I miss something?"he asked

"yeah we met at the CR as I took her to the clinic to bandage her wound"I replied

"speaking of that. What happened happened to your arm"Auster asked

"well I got bumped by a guy and got scratched on the lockers. Instead of apologizing he shouted at me and said look were your going"Jasmine replied

"what does he look like?"I asked her

"well he is taller than me. Wears a leather jacket and her hair is jet black"she replied

"Its Dean Garner, he's a jockey"I said

The bell rang and it's our recess. Ms Flint said that she'll show the results tomorrow. Auster, Jas and I headed to the cafeteria and sat on a vacant table while waiting for the others

"what do you want guys? My treat"Auster said

"okay I'll have cheese burger"I said

"a chocolate shake"Jas said

"okay wait here and tell the others to buy their food"he said as he go to the counter

I and Jas talked about certain things like favorite songs and habits but then Dean Garner walked to us

"look who we have here. It's the idiot newbie who bumped me"he said

"go away Dean"I said

"look who's talking and why would I?"he asked me

"it's because you'll talk to this"someone said
