

To be grateful for the small things things in your life opens the door to attracting what is good and positive into your life. Failure to be grateful and appreciate the small things, blinds you, numbs the wonder & awe of YOUR life and destroys your "Inner Child" I was sitting in my car today stuck at some roadworks, talking to my friend John. I asked him if he had seen my recent Facebook posts. He told me he had not been on Facebook for a while after being "like jumped" (his term) and being disillusioned with the platform.

His story is as follows.

John had reacted to a post asking people to share "what you are grateful for today". He posted something about being grateful for the coffee that he was drinking. It seems that this was a big mistake. Everyone else had posted, children, wife, husband, the great job they had, in fact they all put the big stuff. The owner of the post liked everybody's comments except for my poor old friend John and his coffee. (He was like jumped) John then had to put up with an irritated owner of the post who claimed that there are more important things to be grateful for.

Be Grateful For The Small Things

There is nothing wrong with being grateful for the big things in your life but when you are grateful for all the small things, something wonderful happens. The awe and wonder, the magic of life returns and you reap the reward of this by attracting more good things to you. You stay in touch with your inner child which is important in regard to the direction in your life. Your life becomes filled with joy. It's like listening to beautiful music.

At my last workshop I was teaching something along these lines. Someone just didn't get it. I spent some time showing them all of the component that made up a whiteboard I was using. Dozens of parts that had to come together, to be assembled and delivered so that I could effortlessly stand in front of the group and draw and erase pictures to illustrate a point.  Think of the running water that you have in your house. The network of pipes that are built and maintained so that you don't have to walk to a well with a bucket in hand. I could go on and on.

