
That is almost...

The only thing different with our group now is that Tatiana is not with us and she made another group for going runs outside with a few people that Oscar would sometimes take out. They're also properly equipped though Jared is with us for now.

I was with Kaley, Jared, Zardon, Dong and Mark while Tatiana is with Lois, Marco, Nicole, Kris and Alex. She would be leading them to start on simple runs that won't stretch too far out our place and will be close to Jay's own group in case of emergencies.

I decided for us to go towards the Pulo area where my group went to a portion of earlier. We're passing several streets and intersections but Kaley is wondering for why we're not opening some of them up or entering them.

"It's because most of the places there are residential areas. There's only a few stalls there where we could get more supplies and I doubt we'll find something substantial." I explained.

"So why are we going to this direction then boss?" Mark asked.
