
Emergency, gender equality, and green storm

Chris woke up faster than I anticipated. I heard her room's door creak while being opened and then few light steps before there was a knock on my own room's door.

"Come in" I immediately answered and sat on my bed.

The door opened slowly and Chris's had peeked inside.

With how out of it she was yesterday I thought that morning wouldn't be the easiest for her. But judging by how spry she looked she didn't have any hangover whatsoever.

Being able to drink so much alcohol and then wake up feeling refreshed? Godly power, right there.

"Good morning."

I started, seeing as Chris was thinking on what to say.

"Good morning. Ummm… just to be sure…"

She answered uncertainly but I just interjected predicting what she was getting at:

"Yes, Eris-sama?"

Chris laughed awkwardly upon hearing that and scratched her cheek.

"So it wasn't just a dream..."

"It definitely wasn't." I nodded my head sagely. Yesterday's happenings were burned right into my memory so I was certain it wasn't some petty illusion.

"I am-"

Just as Chris started talking there was a sudden noise.

It sounded like an alarm of some sort. Very soon I started hearing a loud woman's voice. Was that Luna-san by any chance?

"Emergency! Emergency!"

While I was turning my head to look at Chris questioningly I spotted her sighing with relief. She didn't seem like she wanted to have a serious conversation at that moment and she answered my doubts very quickly:

"Today's probably a harvest day. A little bit early this year so it became an emergency."

As if continuing after Chris, Luna-san exclaimed over some sort of magical megaphone device that broadcasted her voice through the entire city.

"All civilians please remain calm and stay in your homes. Everyone who needs can also come to the guild's building for shelter. All adventurers please gather at the South City Gate as soon as possible!"

"What do you mean a harvest day?"

I already heard about how vegetables in this world need adventurers or specialized combatant farmers to harvest but I didn't see any fields directly by Axel. What would we be harvesting?

Chris just smiled mischievously and said:

"I won't spoil you the surprise. Come on! For the best view, we have to get there as soon as we can!"

It didn't seem like a very serious deal since Chris didn't show any signs of impending danger. She walked out of my room to let me get changed. I quickly prepared myself and when I walked out Chris was already standing outside of the house.

I quickly walked up to the door but to my surprise, Chris in front of me stood completely motionlessly as if she froze in place. I scanned her from top to bottom but seeing no abnormalities I walked by her and looked at the bottom of the stairs where I spotted Megumin with grim expression pointing her staff in our direction.

There was also Chomusuke standing right in front of Megumin. Her tail was pointed upwards and she didn't look exactly welcoming with teeth sticking out of her opened jaws.

"Kazuki, get away from her! I've heard your screams at night!"


I totally forgot about the fact that Megumin could easily hear me through the thin floor and shouted that part about Chris being drunk... It honestly was the only disadvantage of this house.

"Chomusuke, detain that sexual offender!"

'What are you, a police officer?' is what I wanted to say with a chuckle but contrary to my prediction Chomusuke lounged immediately after Megumin's order.

"Woah! Stop!"

I quickly stepped in between the black furball and Chris. Using my high Agility and Dexterity I managed to successfully stop the raging beast's assault and quickly exclaimed while Chomusuke tried its hardest to get out of my hold but without actually scratching me:

"Megumin stop it! Nothing has happened!"

She looked at me suspiciously and yelled out while getting red on her face:

"Even if you l-liked it in the end, that doesn't change- Chomusuke stop purring in his hands and get back to the job!"

Calming down Chomusuke in my arms took only a couple of head pats. Seeing that it no longer aimed to 'detain' Chris I looked behind me and to my surprise, I didn't spot any silver-haired thief girl behind me.

"Ah! She escaped! I just looked away for a second!"

Megumin used Intimidate! It is super effective! Chris has run away!

I seriously didn't hear even a single sound when Chris disappeared. Was that a goddess's skill or godly thief's?

I breathed an exasperated sigh before walking down the stairs. I released Chomusuke on the floor and I started explaining to Megumin what had happened while she kept looking at me with suspicion in her gaze.

With alarm sirens going off left and right we remembered about the Emergency call and moved towards the South Gate as I kept talking about last night's events.

I basically… blamed everything on Aqua's idea of 'repayment'.

Megumin sighed when I ended the story and described how it looked at her end. Apparently, she heard my distraught line about Chris being drunk and then some bed squeaking and muffled cries but she couldn't move yet due to mana exhaustion. She then fell asleep after an hour of panicking and got woken up by an Emergency call. And that's how the whole Mexican standoff started.

"I will need to apologize to Chris. I even sent Chomusuke after her..."

"I am sure she won't be mad. I can't imagine Chris being angry at anyone."

I managed to sort out the misunderstanding that Megumin had just before we reached South Gate. There were probably more than a hundred adventurers already gathered at the place.

"Can you see Darkness and others?" Megumin asked while hopping in place, trying to see through the giant crowd.

I looked around for a few seconds and managed to spot a pair of very eye-catching hair colors in the crowd. I led Megumin towards the duo but a good 20 meters before them we could hear a familiar voice yelling out:

"What do you mean cabbages?!"

"You don't even know what cabbage is? No wonder you are a NEET."

"Oh, it's Kazuki and Megumin."

Kazuma and Aqua were bickering as per usual and Darkness spotted us in the crowd.

"Hello." "Good Morning" Megumin and I greeted our teammates

"Hey listen to this. Aqua said it's the flying cabbage. Flying cabbages are gonna attack the city!"


"That's right. An ideal mob monster for Explosion!"

I looked incredulously at Megumin who answered Kazuma's concerns in an excited voice. I was just as puzzled as Kazuma was. I definitely didn't expect flying cabbages.

Fortunately, Luna-san's voice sounded out from behind as if to address our questions:

"Everyone! An annual cabbage harvesting season has arrived! We got a word from scouts that the cabbages will be here in just few minutes! There's whole lot of them! Try to capture them alive for the biggest prize but do not hesitate to bring them down if necessary! The prize for each cabbage captured will be 10,000 Eris! The prize will deteriorate according to the condition of the cabbage. Each kill on your card will also be rewarded with 1000 Eris!"

"YEAH!" "Bring it on!" "I will finally be able to eat!" "Let's obliterate them!" "Let me at them!" and other various lines flew around after hearing Luna-san's announcement.

"Can I go back to the stables and go to sleep?" Kazuma asked as if he lost all of his will to live.

"Are those NEET tendencies resurfacing again? This is a perfect opportunity to earn some money!"

"I haven't bought this equipment to fight with freaking cabbages!"

Kazuma indeed had finally changed his usual tracksuit for a set of adventurer's clothes. Besides the usual sword that he had been wearing on his belt, he also had a bow and a quiver full of arrows.

Aqua snickered at him and said:

"With your stats, you won't be able to hit even one cabbage using that bow! You wasted your money hahaha!"

"You wanna make a bet?! If I get more money than you in this ridiculous event I am gonna take the blanket just for myself!"

"It's on! Let me show you how inferior you are to this goddess!"

As they kept quarreling I was observing the horizon with my Farsight skill. As Luna-san said, in a few minutes I spotted something in the distance. It looked like a green cloud traveling just above the ground.

"They are coming!"

Multiple adventurers that looked like scouts exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Everyone got into battle-ready positions so I did so as well. Although the prize would drop archers readied their bows and waited for the cabbages to get in range.


Suddenly Kazuma yelled out the name of a skill and released his arrow. Due to the Bow skill I had, I thought that there was no way to hit the cabbages just yet. Other archers seemed to think so as well because they released hearty laughs.

"A rookie, eh?"

Kazuma's arrow traveled in the air and definitely seemed like it wouldn't connect with anything but as soon as it reached the peak of its trajectory it flew straight instead of falling down and soon pierced one of the incoming cabbages.

"WHAT?!" "Wind just changed direction!" "What a lucky shot!" "My Snipe wouldn't work at this distance, how did he do that?!"

The exclamations of surprise filled the area but Kazuma, on the other hand, just looked at Aqua with a smug smile.



Wild cries of adventurers filled the area, cutting Aqua's words off, as everyone rushed towards the cloud of incoming cabbages. Archers, including me, finally released their arrows as well.

I shot out around 12 arrows before the cabbages got 50 meters away from us and managed to get myself 8 kills. I observed Kazuma's arrows and out of 7 shots, he managed to hit all 7 with his Snipe skill.

When I looked to my left I saw Megumin with her eyes shining Crimson Red.

"So many-!"

I somehow felt responsible to remind her:

"Remember to make sure you won't hit anyone with your explosion."

She just nodded her head and removed the drool from her lips that started gathering while she was thinking about all the carnage her Explosion would bring.

Aqua surprisingly run to the front together with Darkness and started swinging her fists. She looked like an exemplary monk at that moment.

Darkness, on the other hand, was swinging her sword around and… she didn't seem to hit even a single cabbage flying at her. Very soon I could see her abandon her sword and start going around the field and protecting everyone in need with her own body. This garnered her looks of awe coming from other adventurers.

Comments like "What a valiant crusader!" "This Endurance!" "I need to take an example from her!" were going around while Darkness started looking ecstatic at the beating she received from green balls rushing at her.

Kazuma stopped his rain of arrows to look at Darkness with a worried look. He looked at me as if asking "Do you see this?" but I just shrugged in answer.

I restarted sending out my arrows and managed to get a couple more shots in before the front line started 'leaking' and some stray cabbages assaulted the row of archers, supporters, and healers.

I previously saw a couple of bulky adventurers on the front line outright catching the cabbages with their hands and bringing them into boxes provided by the guild. Thinking that it would be a great way to get a new form, I strapped the bow to my back and prepared to receive the incoming monster cabbage in my hands.

Well, to sum up my experience… it was as if a bully in school threw a 5kg medicine ball at me with great force. I somehow managed to keep standing after cabbage hit me and I kept it between my hands.

"Piiii! Piiiiiiiiii!"

It even gave out some cute sounds. I definitely didn't get second thoughts about killing a monster flying cabbage. Definitely not!

I put the cabbage in the box after I heard a *DING* sound in my head. I managed to get myself a Cabbage form. It could fly, so it would be useful for something, right?

I checked around me and seeing that everybody was focused on the green carnage so I transformed into my newly acquired form.


Suddenly I heard a bunch of voices that weren't there just a few seconds before. My skill allowed me to understand what those cabbages were saying and it was definitely not something I've expected.

I immediately changed back to my human form and quickly erased this moment from my memory.

"NOW! The perfect opportunity!"

I heard Megumin's yell and looked first at her and then at the place she was looking at. I saw a literal hurricane formed by hundreds of cabbages in some distance away from the front line.


People around Megumin exclaimed in surprise when a giant magic circle appeared under their feet. The backline became stunned when they saw visible strands of magic aggregating to Megumin's staff.

Much quicker than I remembered, the magic circle under Megumin got transferred above the storm of green monsters and when Megumin ended her shortened chant she yelled:

