
Killua's place and The arena

As we got to his house we went to the guy who usually opens the door "we told him were good friends with killua" I say to him "Sorry you can't come in without promotion first and can't let you in because of a big dog that will eat you guys if we do but there is another way" he says "What is it" gon asked "you need to get all these open, but the one who opens it is the only one allowed to enter "OK easy peasy lemon squeezy" gon said smiling so gon went over and tried opening but couldn't so leorio tries to help but it opened a little so kurapika helped but still didn't work until they looked at me with hope because im really strong "fine but when I'm gone you guys better work on those muscles may be the guy that works for they gate can help" i said "Ok but why ask him" gon said "He wouldn't work here if he couldn't open the door and keep out bad people you know" I say to them and the old man eyes widen as i go to the door and open it the old man eyes look calm and sweet like he new who I was before I entered he said "please take care of him naruto" he said sweetly I gave him my number 1 smile to tell him ok before I walked in, As I was walking this young girl around my age attacked me but I dodged in time and I karate chopped her neck she fell asleep then I got to there house I walked in and got attacked by their head butler "why are you here" the butler said to me while I dodge his attacks "I'm here to get my boyfriend" I tell him as I got a punch in on his face if your wondering why i'm not using my chakra it's because i don't want to kill them but I might use a little "And who is your boyfriend miss" he said "killua" i say his eyes widen a little "Sorry you can't see him he's busy" when he said that i got scared so i swapped with a blood clone and told it to use chakra if needed and I went off to find killua when I went downstairs I heard killua scream in pain so i rushed down to the room he was in and saw him chained up and getting whipped by a fat dude when I saw him like that I rushed over like lightening and kid the fat dude away and he went unconscious "naruto what are doing her your going to get killed" h said in pain i break the chain with my hands and catch him as he falls "I love you killua and don't want to lose you I whispered to him hugging him on the floor "I love you too naruto" he says pulling me into a kiss I help him stand up and get him up the stairs and heal him with my medical jutsu I learned then his women came up to me with a mask on "mom please don't" killua says standing in front of me "get out of the way killua" she says letting out a killing oura so i let out some of mine "I'm not letting you hurt my girlfriend" Killua says putting his hands around me "if that's how you want to play killua then fine," then this old name came out man came out "grandpa" killua said "So killua this is your girlfriend hey she quit the looker and is really strong and smart." he laughed "anyways your dad wants to meet her" he says smiling when i look where the women was she was gone so when we walked to his dad's office I deactivate my blood clone, which you can hear from the butler is "SHE'S GONE!!!" which made me chuckle, which made killua and his grandpa look at me "looks like you had your fun" his grandpa chuckled, then we walked walked into a room that had a guy who looks like killua a lot, "please take a seat" he said as me and killua sit beside each other "So naruto where are you from?" said the man "Konohagakure hidden in the leafs" I said but I don't think they know where it is. "So you are not from here that is a long trip, how did you get here?" he said with a still serious face hm I wonder "Would like it if i told you my whole life story?" I say with a serious face but if I do I might fall apart again "Hey kit if you want you just use that jutsu to tell him so you don't have to tell him" karma says sleepy, 'thanks karma, that's a good idea' ok lets see if this work I would never show this to killua because he wouldn't be able to handle it "If that's ok with you it would be alot easier then asking questions" he says in a embarrassed face "Ok I will be using a special technique to show you it instead of say it because i usually break down afterwards if you guys back there would like to see you can" I say as killua's mom and grandpa pop out of hiding as come over to us and they both nod their head and sit down "Ok what your going to see is something terrible so I'm just telling you, Ok here you go" as I do my hand signs and let them view my life as me and killua see there faces change to a angry serious face then to a smile as the jutsu finish "I understand anyways why were you guys making out at the beach where lots of people could see you know if I saw you I would think you're doing it always good move on the girl killua" killua grandpa said, me and killua faces blushed a deep dark red after we heard that i forgot to take that out now I feel like my life is disappearing "Dad don't say that it's embarrassing for the kids" the older man said looking at the man and he just laughed "anyways i will allow killua to leave with you and your friends only if you guys come back again and you watch over my son" he said said serious in his deep man voice "will do" I said with a smile "your allowing my little boy leave again" killua's mother said "the boy needs to learn about the world" the man said as killua grandpa showed us the way out and killua hugged his grandpa goodbye and we walked out and meet with gon, kurapika, and leorio and i waved goodbye and we went off into a newyork city. When we got their leorio went off to go get a doctors degree and kurapika left to get some information about the phantom group and I stayed with gon and killua we decided to stay with gon to help find his dad after that we all promised to meet back here in 2 years then they left after they left I asked the boys"Hey guys where are we going to stay we don't even have money" I said to them which they turned to happy to icicles in the arctic "We have no idea" they said in unasin "WHAT!" I yell "well what are we going to do we have no money or place to sleep or get food will what can we do" I said to them than killua got an idea "Hey let's go to the arena it will give us money and somewhere to stay and when you get to 100th floor they give you a good room to stay in but you still have to fight until you want to stop and you get lots of money" killua said "LET'S DO IT" gon said excited and I shake my head yes, as we got to the arena it was huge and tall the boys were jumping with excitement and I just laugh at them "Come lets just sign up" I say giggling and we walked inside and there were lots of people and we go to the desk and we filled out the forms just in case you die you know and we go in and wait our turn when were doing that I ask killua "Hey killua when should we tell gon" i said and gon said "tell gon what" he said I look at killua if I can tell him he shakes his head yes "gon, I want to tell you that me and killua are dating" I say to him with a smile and says "Ok but I'm still If he hurts you I'm going to steal you away from him, anyways how do i fight" mine and killua's face was in shock at what he said "umm your really strong so you just push them out of bounds" I said with an unsure smile and he smiles and says "Thanks naruto" "Yeah" I said with a smile and then his name was called to fight and I look at killua with a face of question of what just happened and he looks at me with a face that is 'she's mine' which made me smile at him and gon came back with a smile "I WON" he said happy and then killua was called next "Hey gon what you said about you taking me as yours ture" I ask him watching the fight end with a flick of a finger and looked at gon "Yes it is naruto because i really like like you" he says smiling with a chuckle and I chuckle at his childness and killua came back smiling at us then they called my name and I went up, the girl said in the booth thing "PUT YOUR VOTES IN NEXT UP IS THE BEAUTY NARUTO AND THE BONE CRUSHER READY GO" as this big fat guy walked up "Hey princess this isn't a girls little girls game you know" he said to me which pissed me off. BACK TO THE BOYS

"Oh no, she's going to kill him" killua sad worried so they ran out and yelled "NARUTO CLAM DOWN YOU CAN'T KILL HIM" they yelled to her and naruto said back "I WON'T I WILL MAKE HIM HURT ALOT" she said evilly and they both sweat drop and look at each other and watched her. She moved her leg and kicked him in the face and she did so fast you couldn't even see it, it was so beautiful like a sword slicing through the air and the guy got sending through the walk wall and his eyes rolled to the back of his head and the whole oddents was quiet and then the lady "NARUTO WON WITH an ELEGANT KICK WITH HER LEG LIKE A KNIFE CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!" she yelled in the microphone and naruto smiled and yelled "BELIEVE IT!" and walked I walked off and went to the boys and hugged them and they both blushed and every one was yelling "YEAH AND STUFF" and the went to the front and got the money and what time there next fight tomorrow. They walked out and when to a hotel to sleep for the night and got the key and they went out to buy food with all their money they got (they put all their money together).

They walked out and when to a hotel to sleep for the night and got the key and they went out to buy food with all their money they got (they put all their money together)

Hoped you enjoyed my masterpiece!
