
Episodes of nightmare...

Smith Enterprise…

"Anything more that I have to sign for today or any other meeting to attend?" Reuben asked signing the last document that Tom had handed him.

"No Boss, nothing is left for today. Everything has been handled by the secretary team and other managers. But there is a personal matter which has been waiting for your approval.." Tom informed Reuben.

Reuben closed the file and looked up at Tom with his raised eyebrows before asking him, "And what is that?"

"Sir, we've finally got a trace of Mr. Andrew Jones.." Tom revealed.

Reuben's eyes widened in mortification as soon as he heard about Andrew from his assistant. He couldn't believe his ears as if he had heard Tom right or not.

He became stiffed for few seconds as this sudden disclosure of news about his soul big brother Andrew but when he came out of the trance, he asked in a hopeful voice, "What!! Are you saying the truth?"
