
Precaution is better than safety...

Alonzo's bedroom…

Entering his bedroom, Alonzo called his assistant Bill, "Did you find anything about them?"

"No Boss. Nothing is suspicious. They are just spending their daily life normally like they use to do." Bill replied in a respective tone.

Alonzo frowned but said, "Okay.. Check further about this. I don't want any kind of mishap to happen on that day."

"Understood Boss." Bill said.

Cutting the call, Alonzo thought about all the recent circumstances and incidents to find any clue about Veronica's plans. But no answers came out of his mind..

"What are they planning? It's looking kind of mischievous to me." Alonzo was in his own notion.

He was contemplating about all of the stuffs which could bring misfortune to him but there was nothing much except one thing that nit only he, but his whole family is trying to hide from all..

Just one thing which could crumble all of his plans..
