
On Its Death Throes

Once they were done with their 'friendly' banter, Wally slowly appeared above the ground, touching it as his body slowly began to sink into it. 

"You're going like this?" Krune asked in surprise. 

"This isn't the Kun Realm. So, I have to make things seem natural," Wally replied. "You know how in cases of immortals fighting in the God Realm, there are small fragments of their Spiritual Incarnation slipping through the gaps, falling to the lower realms and forming Danger Zones there, right?"

Seeing Krune nod, he continued, "I plan to do the same and make the Mong Realm Spirit assume I'm just a Spiritual Incarnation fragment that's slipping through the gaps." 

Slowly, his body passed through the ground, heading deeper and deeper underground. It was like they were falling, continuing to do so naturally. It seemed like such a process would take ages, but time of such scale was a luxury to them. 
