
Warfront: Praire River

"What does this Demon Manual state?" Han asked, curious.

"When a Ghost Appeaser is possessed by a Nightmare, they're called a Demon, right?" she asked, watching him nod. 

"But in actuality, even when possessed, the Nightmare isn't unable to exert power. Because the will of the respective Ghost Appeaser is fighting against the Nightmare's. And that gives enough time for the Imperial Meister to kill the Ghost Appeaser, destroying the Nightmare along with him," Su Daiyu said. "But, if the Nightmare manages to take control fully, it'll be called a Demon."

"This manual talks about the means to complete this possession while defeating the Nightmare." She smiled, gazing at Han, causing him to shudder as she handed it over to him. "Treat this with care and memorize all the contents first. After that, return it to me."

"I'll do that." Han sighed. "I feel bad for doing this."
