
The Five Crimson Ring Activation

"This sword costs 500 Tier 1 DS. Since you're selling your sword, you only need to pay 280 Tier 1 DS," the blacksmith said. 

"Give me a pair of daggers as well, same material," Krune said in response. He didn't try to use any other sword because he had gotten accustomed to using the Whale Tooth Sword and Daggers for the past 18 plus years. Thus, he didn't wish to change them. 

Besides, he didn't wish to buy any superior weapon of the sort. First of all, a four-star weapon ranged in the thousands. He didn't have that much money with him. Sure, if he took some missions or did any of the work available in the capital, he would be able to accumulate enough money soon enough. 

Then again, he didn't wish to waste his time doing that. Once he was done with his tasks, he wished to head into Layer 2 right away. After all, by lacking time, he meant his lifespan. He was looking at the mirror during the years. 
