
Elder Loni Knew Everything.

On Krune's beside, one could also see Ao, Shinja, and Yusa. Ao then sighed and commented.

"Just as I thought, you really came out after that."

Yusa complemented.

"No help in that, Krune is quite predictable, you know?"

Shinja then laughed a little.

"Isn't that good? It's because he is easy to read that we can trust him."

Krune heard all those comments and felt like crying.

"Couldn't you at least say that I looked cool?"

Lofa stuttered a bit but still said it with a tomato red face.

"I-I think you were c-cool just now."

Krune looked at Lofa and felt like crying again, but this time, it was out of happiness. At least someone respects his feelings.

Ao looked at his side and saw Arlan standing there.

"Do you wanna see who can beat more of them?"

Ao snorted and immediately accepted the challenge.

Tasier also came out.
