
Since When Krune is so Thoughtful?

Crack by crack, time passed. It took over two days for Cassy to adapt to the pain. Shinja didn't do anything in the meantime. She just stayed there looking. She didn't cultivate or practice any skill. Krune wondered when those two had got that close, but that was a good thing. Lakin looked a lot more relaxed at that moment. Krune took a look at Cassy in the center and nodded his head.

"The worst part is over. The highest risk for our wisps is when we start. The first time we attack the core center is the most painful one. But once you go further, the pain will diminish. Of course, it's only the second day. No doubt, there is still a lot of pain in the soul. But now that she overcame the first two days, she should have no problem in finishing the process. You only need to wait for whether she succeeds in forming a foundation that can be accepted by the heavens or not."
