
Plan and Prepare (1)

Alexandra walked back to the palace with Carlos behind her. As soon as she arrived, she immediately went inside and head to the stairs going up heading to the library to find the book Gilbert had. If she is lucky, there might be a copy of that book in the library since it looked like an old one. Carlos behind her questioning himself about her actions, why is she rushing? Did something happen earlier to make her rush like this?

Unable to hold back the urge to ask, Carlos opened his mouth to speak, "Miss Alexandra, why are we rushing? I mean, why are you rushing?" Carlos asked a hint of curiosity heard from his tone of voice. Alexandra didn't stop from her tracks nor slowed down when she answered him, "I need to do something," She simply said and arrived at the floor where the library is. She slowed down her pace and walked towards the door of the library while Carlos followed behind her as always. The heel of their shoes clicking against the marble floor and the sound of their footsteps resonated in the hallway as they walked towards the library.

Upon arriving in front of the library door, Carlos opened the door for her and let her get inside. Carlos also stepped inside and closed the door behind him and followed Alexandra who walked around, looking at each one of the bookshelves carefully, reading each title of the books written on its spine. "Claymore… Claymore… Claymore… Claymore…" She repeatedly muttered to herself as her hand glided against the books looking for the book. She went to the next bookshelf and did the same thing. She planned on reading the book and talk with her brother about it and in that way, she could also apologize for lying to him.

Alexandra finally came down to the last bookshelf and she carefully looked for it, hoping that she can find it or it is here. Alexandra looked up to the shelves which were far above her and tiptoed. A certain book caught her eye, what was written on the spine was the word 'Claymore', Alexandra's eyes sparkled and she looked around for a ladder to climb up to reach the book. Carlos who just stared at her while she was looking around wondered what she is looking for, Alexandra let out a sigh when she saw not a single ladder. Maybe she could jump and reach for it since it's just a foot or two above the highest shelf she could reach. Carlos knitted his eyebrows when he saw Alexandra jump multiple times and looked at what she's reaching for.

Alexandra jumped once again and was unable to reach it, she let out a sigh and readied herself to jump once again when she suddenly felt light and being lifted off the ground. Huge and slender hands wrapped around her waist and hoisted her up. She yelped in shock and looked down to see Carlos holding her by the waist with a gentle expression and a smile plastered on his face. "It seems like you had trouble reaching for something," He said, his tone of voice gentle just like the sea breeze. Alexandra was flustered, she blushed and muttered a 'thank you' which he heard and smiled as a response. Alexandra took the book out of the shelf and looked at the cover of the book and saw it was the same one as her brother. When Carlos noticed that she got it, he slowly let her down, the sole of her shoes touching the floor and she got out of his grasp.

Finally, after what it seems like an hour of looking for the book, she finally found it at the last bookshelf. She was tired of walking around and couldn't wait to sit.

Alexandra smiled at him, "Thank you," She said once again and Carlos just smiled back, "It's just one of my task or duties as your personal knight," Carlos replied and Alexandra just nodded her head before she turned around and walked towards the door of the library to go to the study room since she needs to write some things down too.

She felt the warmth of his hands even though he was wearing gloves and the warmth and feeling lingered there for a long time. The walk to the study room was unusually quiet but a light atmosphere surrounded them, so it wasn't awkward. Upon arriving in front of the door, Carlos opened it for her and she went inside, holding the book close to her chest and walked towards her neat desk. Carlos closed the door behind him and followed her to the desk. Alexandra sat down and she started to rummage through the drawers and looked for her notebook and once she found it, she brought it out and placed it on top of the desk. She closed the drawer and she opened the notebook to a blank page where she started to write with the use of a pen that was found on the stand not far away from her.

Alexandra wrote down all of the things that she needs to remember in her notebook. I think he like quiet places or something like that, a place that is surrounded by nature or with no one around. Maybe she could find him in the garden if she goes there again tomorrow but if not, he must be at a hidden place where no one would go too since he doesn't like people. She needs to be careful of her actions or attitude around him because he doesn't like clingy people or the ones who would follow him around but she could be friendly and innocent around him.

After writing everything down, she returned the notebook back inside the drawer and locked it while she placed the pen back on its stand. Alexandra took the book not far away from her and opened it to the first page which was a blank page, she flipped the page to the next one and she started reading its contents.

Silence conquered the whole room, Alexandra was busy reading while Carlos was just walking around the place looking at each one of the books and reading the book's contents. The only thing that was heard is the sound of pages flipping.


After an hour of doing nothing but reading, a knock on the door was suddenly heard, interrupting the silence they both had, grabbing their attention making them look at the door. Alexandra was already half-way the book when she heard the knock and she looked at Carlos who also looked at her. After a few seconds of staring at each other, Carlos walked towards the door and opened it. What came to his sight was Diana standing with a smile plastered on her face while she's carrying a tray of food. "I heard that the young miss came back from the Diamond Palace and is inside the study room to do some things," Diana said to Carlos, not wiping off the smile on her face.

"Come on in," Carlos said after he stared at her for seconds. He widened the gap between the door and its frame as he stepped aside letting Diana come in holding the tray firmly with her hands as she walked towards Alexandra who was smiling at her like always. "May the Queenilia's sun shine down upon you, young miss," Diana said and lowered her head as she spoke. She lifted her head right after she spoke and went near to Alexandra's desk.

"These freshly-baked cakes are for you Sir Carlos and Young miss, these are made by Therese and Yulli," Diana said and she placed down two plates of cakes along with two glasses of juice and forks. Alexandra's eyes sparkled and Carlos stood up from his seat and walked towards the desk to take his proportion. "Thank you," Carlos said politely, his voice filled with respect and gratitude. He turned around and walked back to the couch and placed his plate of food on top of the table in front of him.

"Please say 'Thank you' to them for me and thank you for delivering this too," Alexandra said while smiling at her, her tone of voice sweet and gentle which was soothing to the ears.

"Will do, young miss," Diana responded and bowed first before she turned around and left the room. Alexandra immediately took the fork and started to attack the cake and ate it. Carlos also ate the cake but he's taking the time to do so, savoring the sweetness it held as he read the book which he found inside the room, he found the contents interesting that's why he decided to read it. After eating, Alexandra set aside the empty plate of cake and glass along with a fork, Carlos suddenly stood up from his seat carrying the empty plate with a fork on top and an empty glass.

He took Alexandra's and she stared at him, tilting her head in confusion. Is she going to bring it down to the kitchen? She asked herself and opened her mouth to speak, "Are you going to bring it down to the kitchen?" Alexandra asked and Carlos nodded as a response. Alexandra did it before too and the maids told her that they are going upstairs to her room or a room where they brought the food or where she is to retrieve it after an hour or two. They told her to just set it aside and they will get it. "One of the maids will get those and bring it to the kitchen to wash it," Alexandra said but Carlos insisted on bringing it down back to the kitchen, it's a way to show thanks or gratitude since it was delicious or tasty.

Alexandra just nodded and let him be, he will not take that long and she'll just stay inside the room. Although Carlos was advised to stay with her and just be beside her, Alexandra just let him do what he wanted since she doesn't want to look strict or something like that and they have been together for like days, walking side by side and such except during the night. Alexandra yawned and stretched her arms.

"What are you studying? Where's your tutor?" A sudden voice startled her, almost making her fall off her seat. Alexandra turned her head around and what greeted her sight was the side view of Harrison's face while he was staring at the contents of the books, squinting his eyes trying to read the words. Alexandra pushed his face away from her, "Don't suddenly appear behind me like that, I told you multiple times already," Alexandra said while frowning, calming her racing heartbeat. This guy is giving her mini heart attacks and it somehow annoyed her and as usual, he didn't listen and just walked around the desk and sat on the chair in front of her.

Hope you liked this chapter! Thank you for reading!

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