
find out Lu Hanna's true identity

"Why are you here, what is the meaning of this?" the beautiful woman asked Ye Chen.


"I should be the one to ask that, why are you here, who exactly are you ?, it can't be a begging woman wearing royal robes and a crown on the head" Ye Chen said to Lu Hanna.


The beautiful woman in front of Ye Chen was Lu Hanna, she now looked very beautiful, there was no longer anything covering the beauty she had.


Lu Hanna was speechless as she listened to Ye Chen's words, she wouldn't be able to deny what Ye Chen said.


"So how long are you going to keep quiet and explain everything to me" Ye Chen said to Lu Hanna, he asked Lu Hanna to explain everything.


"I . . ." Lu Hanna said to Ye Chen, she was getting confused on how she should explain to Ye Chen.


Lu Hanna looked towards Xun Zhilin, she asked Xun Zhilin for help.

