
Chapter 2: Marcus Bennett

Kollok High, the Phoenixes, a large public school on the northside of town, very large considering it's rather small student body. Many families that migrated to Kollok for work are typically without children and some choose to use synchroneity company's schooling options with accredited private tutors. Skye and Rachel walked into the schools parking lot, she sees Marcus, a black eighteen year old senior, sees him across the way, she calls for him and then runs across the parking lot to jump into his arms, much to Marcus's surprise, Skye not too far back in tow, looking away from them, distracting herself from the scene and looking at her surroundings.

Marcus: "Oh my gosh, how have you been?"

Rachel: "ONE oh g-god I'm so sorry, I don't know why I said that, I- sorry I didn't call you, I got your messages, I just wanted to heal up." Marcus questioning her why she said that and Skye noticing her saying one, thinking that she had a similar encounter with rachel when they met earlier.

Marcus: "But it's been seven days, I just- I was worried usually you hear your girlfriend over a week-" Rachel cuts him off changing the subject.

Rachel: "Oh my god! look at skye's broken nose"

Marcus: "Whats her deal?"

Skye: "I'm right here, I can hear you, you could just address me, you talk to me, I'm right next to her, is there a reason to not-"

Marcus: "Sorry m'lady what happened to you?"slowly mocking her with a sarcastic voice

Skye: "Probably the same thing that's gonna happen to you if you don't stop and just change your tone."

Marcus: "Woah, woah chill out-"

Rachel: "Okay okay, she got in a fight with some homeless dude and she kicked his ass."

Skye: "Right, you should see his face and his shirt."

Rachel: "Also we wrecked her jeep on the way here."

Skye: "It's been a crazy morning Marcus, so i'd appreciate if you just chill, god." she move's away from him completely annoyed by his presence.

Marcus: "Whatever, are you okay?"he points to Rachel.

Rachel: "oh i'm fine actually I punched her in the face it's freaking awesome." she says grinning.

Marcus: "Wait what?"

Skye: "Wait! Rachel, were not supposed to say anything."

Rachel & Skye: "oh right, Don't tell anybody"

Rachel: "All the kids on the bus saw something everyone's gonna say something crazy happened i don't want to be the puncher that would be really weird."

Skye: "Marcus if you say anything im gonna kill you, in your sleep."

Marcus: "I'm not gonna say anything-"

Rachel: "Hey Marc, can you meet me after gym I a- wanted to talk to you about something."

Marcus: "Sure, I mean, is it something major? like you-"

Rachel: "No no no it's fine, we'll just talk about it after... gym"

Marcus: "You're not gonna punch me in the face are you?" he jokes to ease the tension.

Rachel: "No well anyway, if anybody asks, she totally uh swerved to miss a deer and hit her head in the steering wheel and walked out of it like a total boss."

Skye: "While the car was still on fire cause technically it was."

Rachel: "Oh yeah right, and there was a fire."

Marcus: "Look this is way too much sounding like it could get people into trouble I don't know if I want any more of this, so why don't we just- probably just stop this whole conversation with me knowing things."

Rachel: "Yeah okay."

Skye: "Sure nerd."

As they finished their conversation the three young students make their way into the main doors of Kollok High leaving the parking lot. The hallways are long despite it's size, the facility is very large, inside first area of the school are the senior lockers where Marcus's is currently resides, Skye and Rachel share one further down the hall. Marcus all of a sudden feel someone watching him, as he looks to the corner he sees the eye of Sammy Riley, seventeen year old junior, Rachel's ex-boyfriend staring at him intently from behind the locker door."

Marcus: "Hey! take a picture it would last longer!"

Rachel: "He's not still leaving messages on your answering machine is he?"

Marcus: "Well you know every once in a while but- Hey!"he starts to point at Sammy but Rachel stops him.

Rachel: "I-I'll deal with it okay just let me handle it."

Marcus: "I mean I could deal with it you know-"

Rachel: "And that goes for you too I'll handle it."she points to Skye

Skye: "Alright, you're a grown woman you do your womanly things hey Marcus, are people still looking at me."

Marcus: "How could they not, you're covered in blood

Skye: "I know it's so cool."

As the two talk Rachel leaves the two of them next to Marcus's locker and moves down the hallway to confront Sammy they see them arguing but unsure what they are talking about, but it appears that Sammy is not taking it well

Skye: "You think you should uh, step in and say something?"

Marcus: "It's just weird like, I was fine ignoring him and, you'd think she'd be fine hanging out with me but now she confronts him all of a sudden and talks to him all the time?"

Skye: "Yeah well he's a freak and they're probably just arguing."

Marcus: "Yeah but you think she's like over him right?"

Skye: "I don't know... Hey Rachel! you okay?"

She looks back and nods reassuringly and goes back to talk to sammy and then leaves seeming satisfied with her interaction with him, she starts to make her way back towards the two, but before doing so a clash emits between the two young women, as a freshmen Billy Baker, fifteen years old, skids across the floor on his back following the trail of his trajectory it leads up to sophomore Wallace Ronnie

Wallace: "Little coma boy! Better stay down or you're gonna get hurt, you got more smartass shit to say now?"

Billy: "Yeah uh just- sorry about that- yeah- comas, crazy right?"he says with a cringed smile on his face

Wallace: "You're not gonna say shit about my mom again?"

Billy: "Yeah definitely not, not about how supple her breasts probably are."

Wallace: "You want to fucking go right now you little shit coma boy!"

Billy: "No no dude." he raises his hand to surrender while grinning.

Wallace: "You say another word about my mom's tits and i will fucking wreck you."

Marcus: "What if i say something about your mom's tits?" he interjects the conversation

Wallace: "Hey man this has nothing to do with- Marcus- I-I'm just- look-" stutering trying to think of an excuse from his senior.

Marcus: "What was that you were saying about coma boy?" as he picks Billy up, brushing him off and stands behind him.

Wallace: "I-I don't have any problems Marcus, man the freak was talking about my mom's tits"

Marcus: "Well she got some good ones."

Wallace: "God damn it Marcus!"

Marcus: "I'm just messing with you man, just leave the boy alone he's a bit of- he came out of a coma, come on man why you gotta be like that. Look you leave him alone, I might e able to hook you up with an extra soft taco when next time you roll around to taco bell it's a TBE."

Wallace: "No cheese?"

Marcus: "No cheese! I'll keep the cheese pump away from it."

Wallace: "All right"

Marcus: "All right get out of here man go three algebra or whatever sophomores getting."as Wallace walks away down the hall passing young Billy Baker he gestures at him to fuck himself and continues walking down the hall.

Billy: "Thanks Marcus, appreciate it."

Rachel: "Hey are you okay?"

Billy: "Oh hey Rachel, I'm fine."

Rachel: "Were still on for after school tutoring right?

Billy: "Yeah yeah, for sure geometry right?"

Rachel: "Whatever you want, it's fine, okay?

Billy: "Yeah yeah I'll be there, I mean it's my house right? so-"

Rachel: "Well yeah obviously."

Billy: "Yeah it's cool I'll see you at my place"

Rachel: "I'll see you at your place"

Skye: "Marcus you gotta be careful i think uh billy is trying to make a move on your girl!"

Marcus: "I mean, yeah i just helped you out, and now you're all kind of googly eyes right now."

Billy: "Nah I'm just messing around." saying awkwardly

Marcus: "Stick to mom tits alright?"

Billy: "Yeah I mean she is pretty hot am I right?"

Skye: "Yeah she is pretty hot so your right, that's pretty cool of you Marcus."

Marcus: "All in a day's work."
