

"What is there to even explore around here? It's just a small town." Sarius pointed out, and Eiro rolled his eyes as the two of them were walking through the streets, "It is, but it's completely different to towns in the central material plane."

"Hm... I guess that's true." The Salamander replied, "Then I guess, is there anything in particular you want to do, or anywhere you want to go? I'm pretty sure you already know about everything going on in this town, anyway."

"Well, roughly at least." The Demon said, "I was just thinking about a few things. I would like to have a few subordinates in this plane. I could just create some servants, but most magic servants are quite... well, dumb. So I was hoping to find some magic beasts or some people to transform into servants. I think considering how close they are to magic, they should survive the transformation more easily."
