
Another World

Eiro stepped away to the sidelines again, standing next to a shocked James. 

"What's wrong?" The Demon inquired with a light smirk on his face, before the Light Elf stared back at him with a wry smile, "What do you think is wrong?" 

"Hah, you know how powerful my magic is already. And this armor is just a gift from Armodeus, made using something gifted to us by a new friend." Eiro explained, looking at the large window that the royalty was using to view everything, and in particular was looking at Lognir for a moment.

But when he did, the Queen kept staring at Eiro as well, with the same soft smile as she wore before. For now, Eiro had to ignore all of this. He just took a deep breath and waited for the announcer to close this event up. People slowly left the Arena and even James and Eiro made their way back to the entrance for now.
