
The Battle Of Little Sisters

*During the little sister confrontation*

(Elaria POV)

I glared at this little sister wannabe in front of me, "Stop pestering Onii-sama with your stupid 'Aniue, Aniue, Aniue'! Can't you see Onii-sama is bothered by you?!" 

"Tsk, like you're any better with your consistent 'Onii-sama, Onii-sama'. You're just trying to act all cute to appeal to Aniue."

"Please, I don't act cute, I AM cute. Even Onii-sama has called me cute!"

"Aniue has called me cute too, probably way more times than you. You're not special."

"Those times must have been before Onii-sama came to this world right? The current Onii-sama has not called you cute at all," I growled.

The two of us glared at each other silently for a few tense moments, both of us preparing to come to blows.

"Onii-sama likes strawberries."

"Aniue would punish our misbehaviours with forehead flicks."

"Onii-sama likes to stroke towards the back when patting heads."
