
See You Girls In A Bit


It was the day of departure.

My disciples and probably the entirety of Heaven Sect was seeing me off at the entrance of the Sect, all of them wishing me a safe journey to Dong.

"Sniff… We'll miss you Master… Please come home safe…" Lian Li cried, as though she was seeing her lover off instead of her Master.

"Did you pack enough clothes? Spare blanket and towels? What about healing and stamina pills? Be sure to not talk to strangers too," Manami fussed over me like a mother hen, one of her tails still clinging obsessively on my arm.

"Sister, relax. It is not Master's first time travelling," Kiyomi admonished. Although she had three tails curled around my other arm tighter than her sister, but I'll refrain myself from mentioning that.

"Papa, come back fast? Cai Hong will miss Papa…" My cute little loli dragon pleaded, her small hand grasping on the hem of my pants.

Oh my sweet, I had to give her a lot of head pats just for that.
