
BBQ At A 'Haunted' Island Beach


Lian Li was the first to reach me, which was surprising considering Manami could have just teleported here which for some reason she did not.

"Masteeeeer!!" Lian Li cried, flinging herself into my embrace.

I caught her in my arms, my golden haired disciple immediately nuzzling my chest with her face happily.

She purred contentedly when I patted her head, trying to bury her face deeper into my chest.

I guess whatever she saw here must have scared her somewhat and she's using me to forget about it.

"It's ok, it's ok. I'm here now. It's ok," I soothed.

Lian Li looked up at me, her smile as bright as the lightning she creates.

"Master! Umm… Umm… I…"

She did not need to finish her sentence for me to know what she wanted. I held her chin with my hand and tilted her head upwards slightly, giving her a kiss to soothe her.

My golden haired disciple purred into our kiss, her arms tightening around my back.
