
It's Stabby Time Again


I teleported us back to the Guild's entrance without incident, the sky already dark at this point of time.

The dragon and spider carcass were already safely stored away inside my storage ring, ready for the Guild to inspect should they require it.

The three followed behind me like meek puppies, their attitudes the complete opposite of what they were just earlier today.

Stepping in to the Guild building, I was greeted with the sight and sounds of several dozens of Adventurers clamouring within.

Since Elaria and Odriana had parted ways with me at the front of the Guild, I have yet to see how the interior of this place looks like, much less how everything operated here.

A few of the Adventurers inside glanced at us when we entered, all of them resuming what they were doing almost immediately upon sight of us.

"Guessing you guys aren't that famous, huh?" I commented to the trio, since they were basically ignored by everyone else.
