

I give Guozhi a grateful look and say "We should go." Bai Lei nods in agreement and soon we're ready to go. "Remember... you're not alone. You have us and you have your power. Trust in yourself my dear and everything will fall into place." My mother says with a strained smile, full of worry.

I give her a knowing smile and say "Don't worry. I'll be back and better than before." My mother's smile widens but tears well up in her eyes before she quickly looks away and says "I just forgot! I need to feed Bun!" She turns to Zhen and nods at him once before taking off.

She runs from me and I can't help the helpless smile that takes over my face. I'm not good at goodbyes either... Bai Lei slips his hand into mine and gives me a gentle squeeze asking "Ready?" I nod my head and look over to Zhen in question. 
