
Animals Among Animals


'Where the hell am I now?'

Pleron opened his eyes only to see that he was once more in a cave, but it was more spacious than the previous one he woke up on.

'I remember a sudden pang in my head and suddenly losing my own consciousness'

'The cross is still here too'

Pleron now noticed that he was still holding onto the cross.

"Welcome successor"

"What!? who is it?!"

Pleron heard a deep accent within the voice that came from his head.

"Whew! guess the weed is getting into me"


The boy slapped his face with both of his hands as he started to feel the burning sensation from his actions.

"As the successor of the Wehrmacht system, you must fulfill it's only purpose"


At this point, Pleron could not open his mouth not because he was speechless of the screen suddenly popping out in front of him, but because some unknown force was restricting him to do so.

"In order to smoothly explain the tutorial, the system has forcibly halted all of its owner's actions"

Pleron felt a cooling sensation in his head, his body soon relax as if a masseur's hand swept his back. His mind and gaze only solely fully focused on the blue screen in front of him.

"Right now your in another world called Peage"

"Right now the major powers are splitted into the vassal states, the nobles, and the Kingdom"

"There are also a diversity of species, one you might find in a fantasy world, some of them may have the strength to crush boulders, melt rivers, or flatten mountains"

"In order to fulfill the objective, you are given the Wehrmacht system"

"The Wehrmacht system is split into three branches that is"

"Heer- ruling the lands with its unstoppable armor and zealously tough soldiers to rule over men, this land forces once wreaked havoc throughout the whole Europe and finally conquering it"

"Kriegsmarine- Though not as famous as its land forces, the Kriegsmarine's sea force is not something that some half hearted wooden ships could handle, with them once significantly disrupting the Allies supply lines"

"Luftwaffe- with their seasoned experience and tactics, it was a symbol that was to let their enemies know that even air was something to be feared"

True, though a lot of people hate the Nazis, they could never deny the fact that they were probably one of the most iconic world turners, especially the world of armors, throughout the history of mankind.

Nowadays people may have the balls to kill, but they never had the steel to try and change the world either be it good or bad, the countries says that peace after the World War 2 would be everlasting, but isn't the term 'Peace' nothing but an excuse to prepare for war, if there was peace, is there even a need to make and improve nuclear bombs that could sweep millions of lives in a second, if we really had peace was there ever in need of researching super weapons?

People are hypocritical monsters, they are animals among animals, they could never be tamed, be it what they call pride due to their superior intelligence, they would never be unified under one banner, and someday near the future, that may be the cause of their downfall.

"These three branches will be the ones to lead you through your objective, Führer"

"Conquer these animals with armor and gunpowder!"

'I'll be the Demon the World needs, but the people never wanted'
