
Chapter 293: Getting Under His Skin

Jessica wakes up in her bedroom on the ship. She looks around in confusion and sees James standing in the bedroom door. She screams and starts throwing pillows at him. He dodges the pillows and smirks at her.

She jumps out of bed, her palms itching to slap him across the face. The room feels strangely cold, and she glances down at her body—she's naked. She screams louder and gets back into bed, pulling the sheet up to her neck.

"What the hell, James, how did I end up back here?" she asks.

"You fell asleep last night," he says. "I brought you back here."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" she asks. "You know I wanted to meet Jackson. Who permitted you to bring me back here?"

"I know you don't like it when people wake you up while you're sleeping," James says.

"Are you a complete dumbass?" Jessica shrieks, reaching for more pillows to throw. "You know this was a different situation. You knew how important it was for me to talk to Jackson." 
