
Make Friends

"Gosh! What did he tell you? I understand his interest though, you're just so pretty." The slightly chubby one said and the others couldn't agree more.

They looked eager to hear what they talked about.

"Em… It's not like that really. I thought he was like that with all the new students, so I told him to look for a better prey that will fall into his…." She paused, looking so confused.

Does this even make sense on the first day?

She felt so awkward.

The girls were silent and she could tell she misunderstood Michael.

She realized why they suddenly went silent after hearing a familiar voice from behind.

Her back stiffened.

But the conversation came clearer and it had nothing to do with her.

Michael and his friend just walked by.


The girls pulled her to sit on the staircase that leads people down the main class premises and it was now Belle knew they were good girls.

She just listened.
