
Tiamat is jealous!

"So you are Masaru, that brat Belial's son huh?"

In front of Masaru was a beautiful woman with straight and long beautiful pale blue hair, dark blue eyes, and a cold atmosphere that radiates from her beauty wearing a navy blue skirt. Masaru could feel her awfully powerful dragon aura that she was unrestrained mana pulsing from her body unlike Tannin that was containing his dragon aura within his body next to him,

"It's an honour to meet one of the Dragon Kings, Lady Tiamat"

Masaru bowed slightly forward and then looked her straight in the eyes, although for some it felt disrespectful this made Tiamat feel quite surprised that this boy would dare face her gaze head-on despite being under her pressure.

"That's enough Tiamat, there is a limit to how unreasonable you can be with him"

Tannin felt a headache dealing with this dragon who acts on a whim from time to time, and when it was things related to Everest she tends to go a tad bit overboard.

"Hmph! It's because your such a softy that Everest ended up being a peerage member of someone weak"

Masaru felt a bit irritated to be looked down upon, he is weak compared to them which is natural, he was only 12 years old! Compared to their hundreds of thousands of years. Since he was Everest's King he could naturally not sully her reputation for choosing him as her king, he released the seals placed on his demonic energy including his senjutsu and released his full strength to dispel the pressure in the room completely.

Masaru naturally knew if Tiamat was serious he would have already been dealt with, but this move he made to dispel the pressure shocked Tiamat and Tannin since they did not encounter such a manner to discard pressure to efficiently.

Even Tiamat who originally thought this boy could only handle pressure realized that he indeed had a reputation for having the potential to surpass Diehauser, which would make sense that he could at least do this much. Masaru took a deep breathe,

"You can look down on me as much as you like, but if you doubt Everest's decision then as her King and Family I will naturally stand up even if it is against you"

"Ho-oh? Don't get too cocky!"

An even stronger pressure was released causing Masaru to fall to his knees but he refused to kneel, he felt that as a king he needs to appear majestic like a strong wall that will safely guard those important to him.

He knew Tiamat was only teaching him a lesson because his words were improper but he still felt frustrated, yes he is weak, but given the time he can reach their levels. But it does not change the fact he was being humiliated by kneeling in front of her.

Somewhere deep within his body, he could not allow his dignity as Everest's King to be questioned. Suddenly Tiamat twitched when she felt a familiar dragon-slaying aura surrounding Masaru, although it was faint due to Masaru not having the chance to practice this magic spell but it was enough to annoy the dragon king.



a loud heartbeat that reverberates from within Masaru's chest could be heard even by Tiamat and a Tannin who looked at the boy who slowly began to stand straight, with each movement Masaru made to stand up his heart began to beat furiously. Within him he could hear a faint feeling asking him

[Do you wish to stand proud as a king?]

It was not a voice that spoke to him but more like impressions that the being gave him, he felt flowing into his mind,

[If you desire my power to keep your dignity and pride, then roar!]

Silverly white aura began to emerge from Masaru similar to smoke, his eyes that were originally grey in colour began to brighten up.

[Roar and become the true king of the jungle]

Just as Masaru stood up straight he was just about to Roar but Tiamat and Tannin both knew something was wrong so they immediately moved to knock him out.

It was a shame since these two dragons action has prevented the awakening of Masaru's sacred gear that was stimulated by Tiamat's Dragon King Pressure especially how she challenged Masaru's pride and dignity, Tannin glared at Tiamat

"You better hope this boy is fine or you will have more than just four devil kings to worry about"

Tiamat snorted

"Hmph! If this much can destroy him then he is no worth it."

"I wonder how Everest will look at you once she hears of this"

Hearing this Tiamat's face turned paler than her white skin, she could ignore everything but her dear little Eve, Tannin could only sigh

"I understand you feeling worried about Everest because of her past but your actions were slightly overboard"

Tiamat began to protest in a cute way

"Bu-But he challenged me head-on! If he kept quiet and listened to me then this would not have happened"

"The reason he stood up was that he felt that you were questioning Everest's Judgement ability, he can handle insults on himself but he is a bit short tempered at times like this when it comes to his peerage and family"

Tiamat who heard this snorted

"I will let him off today, but that strange power that was waking up inside him. Even I felt threatened by it"

Tannin nodded as he too felt the same, this was truly unusual

"I will contact Ajuka to hear his input on this since he usually monitors Masaru's condition"

"Huh? Why?"

Tannin looked at Tiamat who was confused at this, she did not think this situation required a devil king to become involved

"If you truly love Everest then never share what I am about to tell you because if people were to know of this then she will be in danger like his other peerage members"

Tiamat nodded with a serious expression, as someone who loved Everest more than anything she naturally wanted to know what it was. For the sake of protecting Everest, she allowed Tannin to continue

"This boy's spellbook is actually some Divine Artifact which bonded with his soul, Diehauser, Ajuka and Me have no idea which mythology it comes from and did not dare show too much interest to avoid people from picking this up. The problem is that while he has a Divine artifact he also had a Sacred Gear within his body as well. I believe your pressure stimulated the sacred gear which responded to Masaru's pride for feeling humiliated to kneel like that"

"This boy better be grateful for me since I did do him a favour"

Tannin used his dragon aura to inspect the body of Masaru and saw nothing should be wrong, feeling relieved he could not help chuckle thinking this boy truly has a strange fate with women.

"Well, for now. Let's have him rest first, we can continue the talks tomorrow without any pressure"

Tiamat skipped happily ignoring Tannin since she was actually in a rush to prevent Tannin from telling Everest what happened, but then again after such a strong sense of Pride, Masaru displayed Tannin decided not to tell the girls of this event to allow him to keep his dignity.

"Sorry you had to deal with that crazy dragon but she means well of Everest, I am certain when Everest tells you, you will then come to understand the fear Tiamat holds after all"

Tannin spoke although he was not worried about whether Masaru heard this in his sleep or not.


"To think it was this sacred gear, but there was no knowledge of this creature being turned into one. Or was it because of the country which Mythology it originates from that is the cause of information not being circulated"

The lady was touching the golden coloured orb that has been her neighbour ever since they appeared in this world, she always felt this orb was a little too prideful to share hosts with her but thanks to the other vessel prepared for it, it finally quieted down until just now.

"Well, when he unlocked me at my second level I will be sure to teach that little lizard a proper lesson. After all, no one will get away from humiliating that boy under my watch"

She spoke with a slight sliver of anger that leaked out of her body before she immediately calmed down her senses, she looked at the golden orb pulsing off a strong ray of light was a bit too dangerous for him to awaken it just yet.

"Rest a bit more, otherwise our lives will be short-lived if you awaken at this stage"


Everest and Yui did not know the exact details but the fact Masaru was sleeping in the guest room gave them an idea something did happen.

"Aunt Tiamat, you did something to Masaru didn't you?"

Tiamat looks at Everest as if she has been wronged

"What do you mean? Of course, I did nothing to him! Yes, I did nothing wrong at all"

Everest came closer

"That second part. So you did do something!"


Tiamat can put a strong front to anyone in the world except for Everest, this girl was her reverse scale and precious existence. After being pestered several times Tiamat told them what happened, Everest who knew why she acted the way she did was not harsh on her.

"Hai... Aunt Tiamat"

Everest hugs Tiamat tightly

"Thank you for caring about me, but if you trust me I want you to trust even if it's a little in Masaru who I chose"

Tiamat nodded while holding Everest firmly

"I will give that brat a chance, but I won't say sorry! He should have not have provoked me with his words after all"

Everest could only helplessly giggle thinking her aunt will never have the short end of the stick, it was similar to how she helped a dragon with treasures she accumulated under the promise he would pay her back several times to increase his power to fight off against his White Rival.

'Well, I will comfort Masaru when he wakes up, as I thought he really is the right choice'

Everest was not angry of either Tiamat or Masaru, one was caring about her Future while the other stood up for her reputation and dignity.

Yui simply thought her master was a complete madman at first, but could only sigh thinking he really is the right choice just who the hell would go challenge a Dragon King for his girl's dignity with little strength. It was sort of cool

'So this is our master's other side huh? No wonder the girls don't mind being with him despite him having a relationship with them all, he treats them with respect and love' She thought.


The next day Masaru woke up just in time to have breakfast with everyone when he met Tannin he immediately apologized to him earnestly causing the ex-dragon king to flinch since he did not expect him to recover from his condition this fast.

The breakfast was only with Tannin, Everest, Yui, Masaru and Tiamat, the eldest and second son were all out on an expedition to explore the uncharted regions in the southern side of the Underworld.

Bova, however, was currently sleeping over at a friend's house where he usually trains together at,

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling quite refreshed, I apologize for worrying you"

Masaru responded to Tannin,

"I have contacted Ajuka, he said he will inspect your body again when you arrive at the Research facility, I can only speculate but I believe your sacred gear was on the verge of awakening. But it was not a normal awakening but a berserk state awakening, this was a dangerous way to awaken your sacred gear so both I and Tiamat had no other choice but to knock you out"

Masaru nodded thinking he felt the voice appeared to be warm within his mind but it held a trace of anger, he was not certain but he feels this sacred gear held a story of its own as well.

'Heh, my days will only get busier once again' He thought,

"I am grateful for your swift response"

Masaru thanked Tannin and Tiamat.

"Anyway the preliminary of the tournament will be held today so relax a bit, your exhibition match will be held tomorrow before the tournament officially begins"

Everest who heard this could not help but feel excited

"Then I can take Masaru and Yui out to explore Dragon city!?"

Tannin knew his daughter wanted to show Masaru around the country she was born in, just like he does she loves this country very much.

"I will be honoured to have you as my guide Miss Eve"

Everest who heard Masaru's formal words could not help but blush, this was not the usual Masaru which was why she got caught off guard before she lightly smacked him to hide her embarrassment.

Tiamat who saw the interaction could only helplessly sigh in her mind thinking Everest is indeed growing up, she then looked at Masaru who could naturally talk with Dragons without hiding anything was quite compatible with dragons.

He knows to be respectful towards others but holds enough dignity and pride not to be trampled on,

'Guess Eve did make a good choice' She thought

If there was no Everest then she would never have been actively visiting this country and instead stayed at her Dragon Roost.

Later that day Masaru followed Everest who was walking in the front together with Yui since Yui was mostly indoors to avoid the Bael in the past was now allowed to travel in the open, naturally, she was excited as Everest began to explain each shop and their commodities they sell.

The funny thing to realize was that 70% of the things Devils use so does the dragons, the only difference would be the dragons who could not transform into a human need to buy the special acid-based soap made from fiery ant acid. This special acid can burn off any parasites, mould along with a variety of things that tend to latch on the dragon scales and give a resulting clean dragon scales afterwards.

Even the clothing styles were different as there were sections for those who could transform into humans, while on the right side where clothes mostly for some of the male dragons to cover their crotches until they can manipulate their transformation accurate enough to appear genderless physically. There are also other armours similar to what Tannin wears available, it was quite refreshing to see new things compared from the usual.

"So how about eating at a restaurant I recommend?"

Hearing Everest excited suggestion Masaru agreed to her naturally, he truly felt more relaxed walking in this dragon city seeing new things. Probably because Everest was incognito the dragons did not pay them much attention which was why their trip so far was quite relaxed, the restaurant they entered was called Kentucky Fried Dragon. It was a branch of the KFC in the human world.

"Table for three please"

The waitress who heard Everest's request nodded taking three menus before leading them towards the middle section at the window allowing them to look at the people walking up and down the pathways, just as Everest took off her jacket her striking red hair which makes people recognize her almost in an instant came in the view causing the once noisy restaurant to be eerily quiet.

"Milady E-Everest!?"

The waitress almost felt her soul escape her body from fright as she never expected to serve the daughter of Tannin who was considered the hero of Dragons.

"No need to be formal, I am here together with my master and fellow peerage member as guests. Please treat us like any other customer"

The Waitress shook her head but when she took another look at the boy whose hair and eye colour reminded her of someone,

"Are you... Perhaps the wonder child of Belial?"

'To think that cursed title reached even here!'

Masaru felt like crying feeling hopeless that people could not give him a proper or more cool sounding title, right now his name sounds something similar to that of a Saint which was too embarrassing!

"Cough* I am indeed Masaru Belial,"

Masaru said his name in full in hopes the waitress would remember it, but it was in vain.

"OH! So this is the wonder child huh!?"

"He looks handsome but on the weaker side? If only he had some muscles"

"At least his ass is nice and tight,"

One of the dragons thought of playing a prank but one of his friends took it too seriously

"Holy hell dude! Keep your fetish to yourself!"

Seeing how the restaurant became noisier because of him Masaru could only scratch the back of his head feeling helpless,

"Since you chose us as your first restaurant experience today's meal is on the house"

The manager who came downstairs to see why it became so noisy all of the sudden but when he noticed the boy he could already guess what was going on. The story of Masaru and Everest battling for a week only to join hands is a famous story among dragons after all.

"Thank you, sir"

Masaru thank the Manager who left after talking a bit,

"You're so lucky, you get a free meal while I the daughter of Tannin has to pay"

Everest thought of teasing Masaru but her face turned red the moment Masaru touched her cheek as a means to pay back for what she just caused,

"Isn't it natural the man you chose to join is amazing?"

"Eh!? Huh? EH!?"

Seeing Everest's flustered reaction made Masaru feel a bit calmer,

"Masaru-sama, flirting in public is forbidden"

Yui pinched Masaru's side causing him to yelp in pain, he began to rub

"Why is it you girls know where it is painful to twist?"

Yui looked at the Menu

"Because we are part of your peerage after all"

After spending the rest of the afternoon walking around the City Masaru, Everest and Yui went back to the Manor. Inside the lounge room, he could hear Tannin and Bova were talking although the latter appear to be quite irritated.

Turning left into the Lounge Room Masaru spotted a dragon that was similar to Tannin although his dragon form was smaller and shorter compared to his father.

"Ah, Everest, Masaru and Yui, did you have fun in the city?"

Everest ran and hugged her father smiling brightly completely ignoring her shocked brother.

"Eve, you not going to greet your little brother?"

Bova looked at Everest with shock but Everest looked at him then stuck her tongue out, how could she not be angry since it was this brother of hers that causes trouble for her Masaru. Seeing that Everest is ignoring him he could only look at the other two guests, he instantly recognize Masaru because of his hair and eye colour resembling his father closely.

"So you are Masaru Belial?"

Masaru extends his hand

"Masaru Belial, and you are?"

Bova was taken aback but grasp Masaru's hand firmly

"Bova Tannin"

"Nice to meet you"

Masaru could feel Bova was applying strength into his grip and he responded similarly, Bova who noticed Masaru was contending him fairly felt quite surprised.

"I look forward to tomorrow match if you can beat me I will step back and acknowledge your relationship with my sister"

Everest who wanted to protest was stopped by her father who took her and Yui away to meet up with Tiamat.

"I will be sure to respond to your expectations," Masaru said

02/08/2020 - changes made

A woman in a bikini reveals about 90% of her body.... and yet most men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts