
The Doctor Of Death: From An Executioner To A Savior

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"Tick, Tick, Tick... Dead." The sound of death by just waiting for it to come... Sad, it seems. Neal Kirkstoic, a Doctor who cures the sick using death. His motives aren't intentional but that what it ended up as his job with a history known for being an executioner and the right-arm of the Secret Service. "Is it really worth dying for my success? Am I a bad person? My medicine is nothing to be proud of from a man who only knows how to create death-inducing medicine for execution. But working behind the lines, I can do that." May death be my punishment... For Vol. 3 onwards. Same world new death... Let's see how the new kid will do in this continuation of the family. A new threat comes to the new kid and it seems to be a familiar face... "I may not be the 'Neal Kirkstoic', but let's see what if I can do to be his successor."

3 標籤
Chapter 1The Spread

The year was the early 18th century and a plague started to spread out nowhere and began killing a lot of people in the process. My name is Neal Kirkstoic, one of the last plague doctors. The story begins with Great Britain, a peaceful country suddenly got the worst case of mass death of many people in just one day. We called the plague the Time Plague, the reason for this is we found out when a patient gets the plague he or she is a walking timed death where each patient only has 5 days to live before he/she is silently killed by the plague.

There are two stages of the plague where, Stage 1 is the first three days of the patient getting infected by the plague this is quite curable in this state, though the patient might feel very ill especially on the third day nearing Stage 2 which is what we call, the "Dead Man Timer" since the fourth day begins the endless suffering of the patient especially their lungs and their legs as they can't walk the way they used too usually in this stage we, the plague doctors can't heal a patient since the infection is already half-way through a patient's body we can only watch the patient as they suffer towards the fifth day which is at any moment in this time the patient can die at any moment.

At the beginning of the plague, we started with 50 doctors in Britain which is enough but after 8 months we were left with 10 doctors and that includes me.

I usually stay at my laboratory and perfecting my cure for the infection... Though some people already took my medicine and... The results were not great, they died each time I tried to save someone after those 8 months I controlled my dosage for my patients since I can't save one since they die every time I gave my medicine to them. And the plague is still spreading like

wildfire outside so we called what use to call "outside" to now Dead Man's Land for even the healthiest man could not survive 5 minutes in the plague filled the air of Dead Man's Land. I only pick people that are desperate for my medicine even though I explained to them that my medicine might kill them instead of curing them, I gave them the medicine then after that I gave

them a piece of paper and a pen to write their last testament before they'll die from my medicine within 20 minutes. And every one of them died. I went outside today just because I need some samples of the deceased for my next try of the cure. While I was grabbing the blood that was spilled by a dead man on the street, it seems his body is still fresh so he just died. I said that to myself then I met this aristocrat that needed my help, I finished collecting the samples I needed and head back to my lab with the aristocrat as my next patient...

"Young man, I am at your mercy of receiving your medicine. I'll... Give you everything I have just to be cured by you, I know you're one of the last 10 surviving plague doctors. Please!" Said the aristocrat, I replied with "Sure, I'll help you but before that, I'll warn you that my cure isn't perfected yet and it might kill you instead of curing your sickness. Are you sure about taking this risk of losing your life to a life-saving person you thought of." The aristocrat replied with a desperate tone. "It's okay, I'll take any risk since I went through everything just to find any plague doctor!" After that, I replied again. "My name is Neal Kirkstoic and I'll be your plague doctor for today and when did you get the sickness?" The man replied.

"Three days ago..." I replied. "So you are on the brink of DMT. Good thing you arrived here before the fourth day. Here I'll give you the medicine through injection and within 20 minutes it's either you die or you'll be cured of the plague." The aristocrat closed his eyes and took the medicine and by the time he opened his eyes again I gave him a piece of paper and a pen to write his last testament, he only has 20 minutes to either live or die. 1

7 minutes later... "Here, young man if I don't make it you did you're best to save someone and never forget this..." after that he spat out blood and his dissolved organs... "Failed again I guess but his death is different from before..." saying that to myself while tears started to fall. I pinned his testament on my Wall of Testaments separating those who lived and died... And all of them died. I took some samples from the aristocrat's dead body to investigate what went wrong in my mixture.

When I found out that one of the chemicals that can fix this, is... My notorious medicine that is been in use on executions, "Deathiomion" the cleanest way to execute a criminal since it only kills the organs through deactivation of the organs making it unusable thus killing them without pain. I didn't expect that this would be the medicine that might cure the plague.

Well, I guess I'll try this again as the aristocrat told me, I will do my best to make the cure for this plague. Even though everyone calls me the Doctor Of Death... I guess that I specialize in medicine that kills people and yet they needed me to create medicine that cures and heals people. I mean I don't have any grudge on the people that put me on this position since I was the only available during that time, I don't hate anyone but having a reputation that labels me as a Doctor that kills his patients then I guess I'll live with that title at my back since I can't make a proper medicine that properly cures a person without them getting killed by it after a few minutes. After making this next batch of medicine I guess the cycle will start again.

After two days I went out again to see if there are any survivors near my location and maybe grab some more samples of the deceased, After three hours I got the samples and it seems no one survived I head back to the lab with a thought inside my mind. *sigh* 50 special doctors that will cure this plague they say.

I guess the others had their mistakes then but even though I lost someone I knew that was with me on the 50 special doctors, I can say that I can't get bummed out because of that memory remember every one did this with knowing that in one wrong move might kill you and in fact that happened with some of them. I guess I'm a lucky bastard that is still out here failing to cure the people...


Lord Raven's Court

In the year 556 of the Runtallian Calendar, a war broke out in the eastern frontier of the Kingdom of Runtallia between the eastern overlord, Duke Gaverone Walruse of Regalia, and the barbarian chief-thane known as Dariun Drunzelle of the Shiradonii tribe, one of the Four Great Tribes of Norsmund, a nation that borders the Kingdom, deemed to be the land of brutes and savages. As the Duke of Regalia marches with his army to defend the disputed land of Kurlon, the barbarians have taken such an opportune moment to launch another incursion near the eastern border of Regalia near the town of Flendle, with the intention of dividing his army. However, despite accepting the town and the surrounding local lords' territories as lost cause in the war in favor of Kurlon– a newly discovered territory bountiful with veins of iron and other minerals– the Duke tasks his third son, Lord Velmund Walruse, along with his retinue, the Order of the Raven Knights, to fend off the attack. Now faced with the plight of defending the border town against a 5,000-strong Norsmundi army with his few yet skilled knights, along with an ill-equipped and undermanned militia, Lord Velmund has no choice but to fulfill his duty as a noble, relying upon his wits and his few but capable retainers to survive his first battle at the tender age of sixteen summers and winters. Contrary to his timid, youthful, and innocent appearance, however, lies his sly and scheming nature, evident by his fondness of dark magical arts specializing in illusion spells. Nevertheless, he himself has no idea of what he is capable of, and what he is destined to become. Meanwhile, further east at the frontier with Norsmund, a plot hatches to ensnare the Duke within the clutches of his treacherous vassals. Not only his life is threatened by these schemes, but his sons Theo and Varus as well. With this scheme put into motion, the Duke and Velmund's siblings, Varus and Theo, would taste fate's twisted humor, with the former meeting his demise in a blaze of glory amidst the field of battle, and the latter two vanishing in incidents shrouded by mysteries. With the death of the patriarch of Regalia and his heirs' disappearance, the young lord who was initially third in line for the succession of the ducal seat became its temporary occupant. And thus, the tale of him and his court begins… CHAPTER RELEASE: January 1st at 12:00 UTC

SlothfulChronicler · 军事
191 Chs

Continue The Third Reich in Another World

Konrad Schuster, an above average high school student, suddenly finds himself transported to a strange new world filled with swords and magic, tasked with continuing the legacy of the Third Reich (WW2 Germany) after he touched his Grandfather's old German military uniform! He discovers a unique power that allows him to convert souls into source points. Using this power, Konrad can create anything he wants by simply imagining it! Soldiers! Guns! Tanks! Fighter Jets! Nuclear Bombs! As he explores this magical world, he must hunt and kill to expand his army and crush the locals with his overwhelming technological advantage! But danger is never far away, and Konrad must be cautious. He knows little about this world, and every decision he makes has consequences. He must use his technological superiority to his greatest advantage! WHAT TO EXPECT: A highly competent ruthless protagonist that acts and behaves like a proper general. He becomes intimidating, commanding and doesn't blink if he needs to get his hands dirty. He is a true evil protagonist. I hate beta and "nice" MC with a passion, so he is the exact opposite. TRIGGER WARNING: RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION (Against Demi-Humans) I DO NOT SUPPORT NAZIS Please don't take any views in my novel seriously, I just wrote this for fun, I don't support any Nazi ideals and behaviours. I just like the idea of a WW2 German army using modern equipment in a fantasy world. *Chapters* Chapters will be all over 1000 words. This is a FAST-PACED novel. Cover: Thanks N0xiety for the AI image!

General_Komrade · 军事
56 Chs
1 :The Plague on Liverpool
2 :The Times at Birmingham
3 :The Modern Era Of Death
4 :The Beginning of the End
5 :Exceeding Beyond Humanity