
True Or False?

Gallop. Gallop. Gallop. Gallop.~

The caravans made their way through the hidden road passing countless trees that stretched their branches to cover the moon's rays. 

Only a wee bit of moonlight illuminated the scene. Many would find it hard making their way in such conditions past the confusing road.

But the burly man and his entourage calmly advanced with their horse reins in hand, only keeping a vigilant watch on their surroundings for any more beastly attacks. 

But so far, nothing had dared to attack them again. 

And wouldn't you know it, an arrow with a white cloth tied on it shot through the air, landing its mark in a tree inches away from the Burly man. 


The burly man's eyes shone in understanding. 

As expected, their delay made the scouts rush forth to see what the issue was. 

Any potential intruders or dangers must be reported A.S.A. P to the Fortress superiors.
