
Missing Captain

Four-Fingers clenched his fists in anger as he quickly organized the people before him.

With the Captain gone, their entire lives would change either for the better or worse.

Their captain, Quick Eyes, was indeed a cruel demon feared by all.

Some of them had never heard him speak in their lives.

He only spoke to the First mate and the rest of his most trusted aides.

And they, in turn, would get things done.

In fact, only when necessary would he speak to the crew members... And that was about 3 or 4 times a year.

Of course, just like the situation now, many people were typically out on missions, at the base or even in headquarters when he spoke.

So some had never heard his voice.

Nonetheless, they had heard that it was terrifying.

Their Captain was a man who never yelled, but somehow always spoke calmly in his rage, giving off a very domineering aura that made the crew shiver from fright.
