

Just like that, 5 days went by in a flash with the Zalipnians settling down.

They had watched a lot of shows on the cathode ray tvs and were very pleased.

Speaking of T.Vs, they were in themselves simple computers.

Just like calculators or even photocopying machines, they operated on simpler functions and weren't as complex as laptops that had google and whatnot.

Tvs just focused on a few functions like On, Off, volume and so on.

Therefore, these cathode ray tvs were easy to make... At least to the Baymardians who had been making calculators, radios and photocopying machines.

Anyway, Tvs were already a part of Baymard and were used for news and whatnot.

And Lucia and the rest had enjoyed shows like Merlin and fear factor.

To them, the fat boxy T.V was truly extraordinary.

That said, the Zalipnians didn't spend all their time just watching Tv.
