
Scenario Missions

In a blink of an eye, 2 and a half weeks had passed by quickly.

So many things had happened within this time frame.

The children and the students at the school and academies, where currently writing their final examinations.

And within this time, all of them have been walking around Baymard like mindless zombies.

Everytime Landon saw them, he would giggle at their appearance.

In fact, one might even argue that they looked as mad.. as the 'Hatter'.

They would mumble about formulas, equations and theoretical knowledge.... as they walked around Baymard.

As for the military..... The first batch that arrived in May, began their final examinations on the 5th.... and were already done by the 14th.

Today was the 22nd, and presently.... their exams had already been graded and given back to them.

Now, they all knew whether they would graduate or not.
