
So Empty!

Alex arrived in the city at 9:00 in the evening. He went straight to the funeral homes. The only person he saw there were Rudy and Saling. He stared at his brother's face inside the coffin. Greg's face looks serene, it looks like he welcomes his death with open arms and did not die in pain.

"Why did you do it, brother? Why? Why did you leave me?" he lamented as tears fall from his eyes.

He let the tears drowned his sorrow. It's safe to cry because no one was around to see his pain.

He stayed in that position for half an hour staring at his brother's face, deep down, he felt so sad and lonely.

Standing for so long made his knees go weak. He sat on the chair.

Saling come to his side and offered him a cup of coffee. "Have some coffee, Sir," she said.

"Thank you, Saling," he said. He sipped the hot liquid and placed the cup on the empty seat beside him.
