
The Battle for Puyang final part

The cavalry flanked the enemy as Yun leads the charge towards Lu Bu. Lu Bu smirks in excitement as he prepared to engage Yun in a duel again. He began to radiate in a red aura as he holds his halberd in his right hand.

Veins could be seen surface on his hand as his grip got stronger while Yun was radiating in a blue aura as his spear was radiating blue as well.

Thunder crashed into his own son showing the mix breed how a real Endbringer fights as he went for the neck with his teeth bringing the young horse down without killing it while Lu Bu and Yun clashed against each other before Lu Bu fell from his horse because of Thunder's actions.

Yun jumped from Thunder's back as he glared at Lu Bu who was already standing again when Lu Bu says with a smile on his face, "How long have I waited to fight you again. To be in this exact circumstance and face you again."

"I wasn't looking forward to it, yet. I was expecting this duel in some years but not now," says Yun seriously as he didn't want to face Lu Bu now.

He1G6 takes two steps forward and glares at Lu Bu before saying, "What were you thinking when you attacked my territory? That's what I wanted to know at first, but seeing that smirk on your face says it all."

Yun gets into position as he looked coldly at Lu Bu before saying, "You just wanted to fight me. You really can't be helped sometimes."

"Oh, I thought that I could take Puyang from Cao Cao. I heard that a new person took it over from one of the people helping me inside Cao Cao's Force. I didn't know until I saw your banners flying from the walls," says Lu Bu as he gets in position to fight Yun.

Yun does the same but no emotions were on his face not like Lu Bu who was showing his excitement. Lu Bu gets in position to fight by holding his halberd in two hands while Yun did the same with his spear before they only looked at each other.

They didn't move as they looked at each other already fighting in their minds as a drop of sweat rolled down Lu Bu's face before he moves first trying to pierce Yun who sees the attack coming before he moves his spear upwards redirecting Lu Bu's attack upwards.

He then attacks with the rear of his spear hitting Lu Bu's chest barely as Lu Bu evaded the attack making Yun only hit parts of his left chest. Yun was wearing a smile now on his face.

"It seems you have gotten faster over the years we haven't seen each other," says Yun with excitement as Lu Bu began to move faster than expected from his big frame.

Lu Bu's red aura began to move wildly showing Yun that he was getting stronger with every passing second. Lu Bu tries to find an opening in Yun's defense with his halberd but Yun blocks perfectly until Lu Bu managed to scratch Yun's left cheek returning the favor from their last duel.

Lu Bu had a bright smile since he finally touched Yun before he realized that he was seeing a dark face staring at him which made him feel shivers all over his body.

"It seems I went too soft on you," says Yun coldly as his aura became thicker than before.

Yun places five limiters on himself so he would never use more than five percent of his real strength while fighting a normal person but Lu Bu made him release one of the limiters he placed on himself making his Qi grow from five percent to twenty percent of his full potential.

Yun could control his Qi better than Lu Bu which made his aura not go out of control as Yun now swung his spear at Lu Bu rapidly. Lu Bu reacts to it and blocks using his halberd thinking that he could block the attack easily.

The spear had to make contact with the halberd but it didn't instead the spear bend in an impossible way evading the halberd hitting Lu Bu directly on the left side of his torso making Lu Bu feel pain.

"Do you feel it the pain? I went through far more pain than that in my training," says Yun as he swings his spear once again at Lu Bu sending him flying backward towards a tree.

Lu Bu felt excited even in pain because Yun just now opened a new goal for him to achieve more strength as he slowly stands up using his halberd before he points it at Yun.

"It seems, I still am not strong enough to win against you. But the next time we fight I will win," says Lu Bu with confidence as he points his halberd down while saying, "But today I have lost."

The battle was over when Lu Bu said that as his red aura dissolved and his men stopped to fight. Yun dissolves his aura as well before walking towards Lu Bu.

"The battle is over," says Yun as he helps his friend up before placing Lu Bu's right arm around his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" asks Lu Bu confused as Yun was helping Lu Bu walk.

"Normally, I would have you in shackles and have waited for Cao Cao to decide your future but I think that your future lays future east," says Yun as he helps Lu Bu on his horse which was limping around because of its battle against Thunder.

Yun mounts Thunder while holding the reigns of Lu Bu's horse while slowly approaching Huang Zhong who was beside Xu Shu and Guang Jia.

He stops and looks at them before saying, "You have all done well in my absence. Huang Zhong, try to get Lu Bu's men to the northeast side of Puyang. They will be leaving in three days."

"I will try my best, my Lord. But where are you taking Lu Bu?" asks Huang Zhong curious and worried about it.

"I will take him to see his wife and daughter. It is time for them to return to Lu Bu. He will soon be going east where he will have a big opportunity if he plays his cards right," says Yun as he rode past Huang Zhong when he looks at Wei Yan who was riding towards him.

"Master," says Wei Yan as Yun hits him lightly with the blunt side of his spear-tip making the young man fall from his horse.

"You still need to learn a lot about riding a horse," says Yun seriously as he saw all the flaws of Wei Yan when he passed his cavalry unit with Hua and his cavalry unit.

"But you did well for your first time on a horse," says Yun praising Wei Yan before hitting him again while saying, "Also, it is 'Brother' and not 'Master'. You married my sister or am I incorrect?"

"Of course, Mas- Brother," says Wei Yan as he was standing again.

"Good, then inform Dian Wei and the others that the battle is over," says Yun as he rode towards Puyang with Lu Bu behind him.

"So, what do you have in mind that makes you believe that I will flourish in the east?" asks Lu Bu not completely believing it.

"The east will soon have a new Governor since Tao Qian will soon from an illness. You never met the new Governor but he is a fool that thinks he is the Emperor's Uncle. He used to be under me because he was on trial for impersonating a person from the Imperial Line," says Yun not even wanting to mention Liu Bei's name.

"Was he impersonating one?" asks Lu Bu wanting to know the truth.

"The Gods might know but I don't. I just despise him because of his lazy attitude and front of being benevolent when he isn't. I only tolerated him because of his middle brother who is a hardworking person. But you will meet him sooner or later," says Yun as they reached Puyang finding the west gate closed and seeing soldiers standing on the wall.

"Open the gates! The Battle is over!" shouts Yun towards his men on the wall who didn't follow his command.

Instead, they called Xian over to confirm his entry to Puyang who immediately ordered the gates to open for them. Xian rushed down the wall to see him.

Once he was down he could see that Yun had brought the enemy with him which infuriated Xian a lot since Lu Bu attacked Puyang in his son's absence.

Yun had to hear the nagging of his father until he reached his new home which used to be the former Governor's mansion. Yun sent a messenger out of the North Gate to inform Zhang Liao about Lu Bu's defeat and to camp in the northeast of Puyang with the other subordinates of Lu Bu.

"So what will happen to the people that tried to help me that are imprisoned at the moment?" asks Lu Bu thinking that Yun would execute them to show an example to people that try to betray him.

"They will leave with you. I don't have a use for people that don't want to serve me. I would rather throw them out of my city," says Yun seriously which made Xian even angrier thinking that his son always becomes a pushover when Lu Bu is involved in something.

"Really, just like that?" asks Lu Bu as he knew that Yun had some catch in this offer.

"Of course, you will be going further east and attacking Cao Cao's flank making him retreat to Xuchang again," says Yun which surprised not only Lu Bu but also Xian since Cao Cao is Yun's current employer.

"You want me to attack Cao Cao with the rest of my men, that is a suicide mission," says Lu Bu as he knew that it would be over for him to attack Cao Cao who was leading a bigger army than Yun.

"It isn't, the rear is completely open and all of his men are outside the main camp fighting. He will be having mostly five thousand men by his side," says Yun as they passed the gate to the mansion when a young girl jumped at Lu Bu surprising him when Yun smiles while saying warmly, "But let us talk further after you have talked to your daughter and wife.

Yun then leaves with Xian not wanting to interrupt the family reunion as Yun wanted to see his wife and his children as well.

Hope you like it.

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