
Second Fight against Lu Bu

Once Hua Xiong was dead the enemy seemed to scatter trying to retreat while Yun was between them all.

He looked at how the enemy retreated while his men chased right behind them making what they have learned from all their training when the center of the enemy army began to move towards them.

Yun saw that and smiled knowing what was coming next since they needed to make it believable that Lu Bu tried to fight him.

Yun was ready as he stretched his hand out in all the chaos making his sword appear in his hand before he shouts, "Soldiers! Battle formation!"

His men stopped the hunting down as they stood beside each other with Yun retreating for a bit to be nearer to them when Dian Wei arrived beside Yun who sheaths his sword.

"My Lord, are we going to fight them as well?" asks Dian Wei worried about Yun who just returned to their side.

"You will hold the line while I duel him," says Yun pointing his spear at the man leading the army which was Lu Bu holding his halberd in hand riding his steed.

The army was coming closer towards them when Yun gave the order to march against them. Yun was in front of everyone again when he and Lu Bu clash against each other.

Yun had a smile on his face as did Lu Bu. Yun because a worthy opponent appeared in front of him while Lu Bu could finally show his full strength.

Yun pushed Lu Bu from his horse before he jumps off of Thunder's back as the soldiers seemed to create a circle around them giving them space to fight.

Lu Bu was standing across from Yun holding his halberd which seemed to catch fire making Yun smile in excitement from seeing that as his spear began to generate lightning.

Lu Bu rushed at Yun who also ran towards him. Both had a smile on their face as they attacked each other. Lu Bu tries to pierce Yun only to find Yun use his spear to redirect the halbert tip away from his body while going after Lu Bu's head.

Lu Bu moves his head out of the direction of the spear before he swings his halbert towards Yun's body only for Yun to unsheath half of his sword to block Lu Bu's attack.

"You learned a new trick," says Yun with a smile as he kicked Lu Bu in the abdomen sending him some steps back.

Yun let go of his sword which ran down its sheath again while his now free hand went on his spear before going into position.

He began to be surrounded by a blue aura while Lu Bu was being surrounded by a red one as they stared at each other knowing that this would be their last attack.

The flames on Lu Bu's halbert began to rise as the lightning around Yun's spear were flaring up stretching towards his arms before they began to run at each other.

Lu Bu gave a roar from himself while Yun only took a breath in before he released the air while he swings his spear. Both the halbert and spear collided with each other creating a seismic shock that send the soldiers back some steps.

They were pushing each other until Lu Bu's halbert broke apart because it couldn't sustain the Qi which was transmitted into it.

Lu Bu now used the momentum behind Yun's attack and jumped backward which allowed him to reduce the damage he took from the attack as he earned himself a scratch on his left cheek.

Lu Bu still had a smile on his face as he looked down at his broken weapon before saying, "It seems I will need a new weapon for when we fight again."

Yun had the same excited smile on his face when he goes back into position to attack when they hear cheers coming from the direction in which the other army should have clashed and Lu Bu shouts, "Retreat!"

Suddenly his horse came rushing towards him and in one motion he mounts it and retreats knowing that he wasn't able to win today against Yun.

Yun looked at his men and shouts while raising his spear into the air, "The fight is over! We won!"

The soldiers raised their weapons before shouting releasing all of their strength in it which made the enemy shiver while hearing them before Yun walked over towards where Lu Bu's halbert tip landed and picked it up before he looked at Dian Wei who was holding a decapitated head in his hand.

"Here is the head of the Barbarian. You should gain more prestige now since we killed one of Dong Zhuo's Generals," says Dian Wei handing over Hua Xiong's head which he cut of the upper body after removing the horse that buried it.

"We did well, but the war isn't over yet. Let's get everyone back to camp," says Yun to Dian Wei when Thunder runs towards them.

Yun pets his horse while telling him that he fought well today before he mounts him and he tells his men to return to the main camp. They had to shovel mass graves tomorrow to bury everyone.

They retreated to the main camp to rest as the right-wing returned as well with Yun carrying the head of the enemy General on his spear. The people cheered as he entered the main camp as Yun was holding Lu Bu's broken halbert while thinking about the future knowing that Lu Bu would only grow stronger after this encounter.

"I can't wait to face him again," says Yun as he allowed his men to drink today since it was the victory that would make Dong Zhuo retreat from Luoyang.

"Are you already thinking about the future?" asks Pang Tong who came to his side.

"You could say so," says Yun as he put the halbert away.

"Has Tang Shi gone through the numbers?" asks Yun as he didn't drink a single drop of wine.

"We have lost five hundred men while at least two thousand are injured," says Pang Tong as he sat down beside Yun with a jar full of wine.

"We will stay here until we have buried everyone and Sun Jian has joined us," says Yun to Pang Tong who nods while taking a sip from his wine jar.

Yun then walked to his brother to congratulate him for his kill before he picked some food and water and he returned to his tent.

Dian Wei's men were standing beside the entrance when they see Yun and one of them says, "Everything was calm. We went for a walk while everyone was fighting so the girl could think about something else while Shadow was playing with her."

"Thank you for looking after them. Get yourself something to drink and eat. I will be watching over them until we leave," says Yun as he gets stopped by the bodyguards which confused him a bit.

"My Lord, maybe you should wash the blood off before entering your tent," says one of them which Yun completely forgot to do.

"You are right. I shouldn't enter the tent to meet them covered in blood. Take this food inside. I will take a bath and return," says Yun as he handed over the food to the guards before he walked towards a nearby river which they use to clean themselves.

He takes his armor off and begins to clean himself once he was done he puts the armor back on and everything turns dark for him.

Yun finds himself back in his mindscape surrounded by the Black Dragons that were sealed inside the armor and weapons when the Leader roars at Yun.

Yun covers his face using his arms as the roar sends him some steps back before he stabilizes after the roar was over.

"What do you want now, Lizard?" asks Yun as he hasn't heard anything from them in a long time.

"Why didn't you kill him? You could have freed one of us by doing so," says the Dragon as he eyed Yun as Black Chains were holding him in places.

"I have my own plans and those don't include killing my son's in-laws. Also, you received a bit of his blood when I made the scratch on his cheek so don't become greedy," says Yun as he was releasing his aura to face the Black Dragon King.

The aura grew bigger and bigger than it was against Lu Bu to show his real strength to the Dragons that were around him.

The Black Dragon King just roared at him again trying to destabilize him only to find Yun holding lightning Qi which slowly took the shape of a spear when he points it against the Black Dragon King.

"Shut your mouth or I will shut it for you," says Yun as the Dragon King stops.

"You are talking big while we are sealed in here. Once we are free we will see if you have the guts to say the same," says the Black Dragon King as he pushed Yun out of his own mindscape.

"You dare you fucking wyrm. Once you are free I will show you who is your Master," says Yun as he gets pushed out.

Yun then finds himself standing before everything turned black to him as he was still holding a spear made out of lightning when he looks at it while saying to himself, "Why do I resort to Lightning Qi when I am under pressure?"

He dissolves it as he returns to the main camp. Once there he finds some of his men already sleeping while he walked towards his tent.

Once at the tent he relieves the guards which took the opportunity to get some food and drinks for themselves while he entered the tent.

He finds Wei Mei and Huixiu eating the rice which was mixed with some herbs that help to alleviate muscle pain and serve as a painkiller for the wounded as well.

"I can hear that the troops are having a feast. Does that mean that you defeated my husband?" says Wei Mei as Yun nods while bringing out the broken piece of the halbert.

"I have defeated him but he is alive. I can't kill him knowing that he will be part of my family sooner or later," says Yun as Huixiu rushed to his side and grabbed the broken halbert out of his hand.

She knew right away that this piece of the halbert was once her father's complete weapon and something she treasured a lot since her father allowed her to play with it even if she couldn't lift it.

But even only the broken halbert was too much for her to hold in her hands when Yun took it away from her while saying, "You will get once you are older until then your mother should look after it."

"Not fair!" shouts Huixiu as Yun gave it to Wei Mei since it was something that Yun brought back for Huixiu so she doesn't forget her father while staying in the Zhao Household.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts