
Water Tribulation

Elric bade farewell to the princesses and left to find a quiet and safe place to do the tribulation.

After finding himself at the most secluded side of the planet, far away in the south, Elric scanned the gigantic mountains of corals. Instead of green mountains made of trees, what Elric could see in the water realm are various gigantic corals the size of a mountain.

Considering that they live inside the hollow world of the water realm, Elric could also see the towering Coral mountains above thanks to his dragon eyes.

There are giant corals with yellow giant thorny tentacles branching away from its body. Pointing towards the sky are the Tower Corals that stood like heavenly pillars, table coral mountains that are as wide as a five-kilometer plateau and Brain-like coral mountains that looked like a human brain from afar due to its grooved surface and spheroid shape, these are just to name a few.

Along with these giant coral mountains are its native dwellers ranging from Black Eels, colorful fish species including those weird ones that Elric has never seen before in the human world.

One thing Elric realized is that these Coral mountains had covered almost seventy percent of the water realm. The only place with the most concentrated population is the kingdom of the water Lord where the Golden Palace can be found surrounded by the Coral City.

He stood alone in a wide expanse of lush colorful seagrass and calmly took in a meditative position. In his semi-Fishman form thanks to Dash's magical transformation pearl, Elric blended well at the center like a native creature.

Elric has confirmed from the Knowledge of the World regarding the test of the water tribulation. In the process of absorbing its essence, Elric's mind and body will undergo absolute water refinement aside from the Absolute Water control.

However, together with its incredible benefits comes the deadly risk.

Just like how bleaching works, removing stains or germs is easy with a powerful bleach solution. The only problem is that overexposure to such chemicals could lead to fatal corrosive danger.

The Soul Cleansing Pearl is like a highly concentrated bleach solution that removes stain from one's mind and body. The problem is that it could also corrude one's energy and identity the more it works on your body.

For normal people, a touch from the Soul Cleansing Pearl could lead to instant memory and personality wipeout as its mere presence alone could harm anyone who touches it.

But for Dragons, Ancient humans, Elementals and other creatures with a powerful constitution have a higher chance of surviving the Soul Cleansing Pearl's effect.

The Golden Clam that made it was a rare magical creature of the water realm that can only produce one Soul Cleansing Pearl every five hundred years. However, due to its toxicity and danger, it poses to anyone, the late King Mahar made sure to keep such information hidden from the public.

The previous Lords of the water realm from thousands of years ago all died from the Soul Cleansing Pearl except for the late King Mahar. As a result, he was gifted with incredible knowledge and wisdom. He was also considered as the most powerful Lord of the water realm during his peak.

The reason it was able to produce such is that it was the only creature of the water realm that has no personality nor memory, hence its ability to create the ultimate form of cleansing pearl.

Despite all of the danger, Elric now has the confidence to resist such power. For some reason, the constant pressure from the Ancestral Dragon's essence has also served as a way for him to fight against mental and physical corruption, giving him more confidence in facing the water tribulation.

Elric inhaled a mouthful of breaths as he calmed himself down. Clearing his mind before taking in the Soul Cleansing Pearl. He took his time knowing that he only got one chance for this.

Elric knew, that taking this pearl should help him in increasing his mind and body control, thus, giving him a significant boost in increasing his resistance against corruption. By the time he finished, he should be able to control the Ancestral Dragon's Power up to forty percent of its actual power. GIving him more confidence and closer to his goal in reaching the hundred percent.

As much as he wanted to leave the water realm, his instincts tell him to do the tribulation in the water realm as he did not know the possible danger that waits for him outside.

Without any more hesitations, Elric swallowed the small bright pearl despite its ridiculous weight. It was only thanks to his current superior body that he could casually lift it like a normal candy.


The little bright pearl slid in his throat with a burning sensation scattering all over his body. Elric felt like eating dynamite with the appearance of a white bright pearl.



An intense burning sensation from the white pearl bursted inside his body towards his every little cell. Like an electrical current moving inside him at a rapid pace. Quickly, Elric succumbed to the ground like a disabled person.


Elric's body twitched uncontrollably. Like hit by a thousand volts from a stun gun, every cell of his body cried in agony to the point that he lost his sense of control and is unable to utter a single word.

The cleansing started in an instant and Elric felt like he was undergoing another God Reckoning Tribulation!

Every liquid state inside his body feels like a magma. His Dragon blood and body undergoes constant destroy and repair cycle. He felt like a tidal wave of magma flowed all over his body and clashing inside of him bringing forth an unfathomable burst of pain in every part of his body.

Inside his physical body, an incredible scene of evolution has emerged. With each, destroyed cells, a better cell emerges!

Finally, the burning sensation has reached his head and the real fight has begun. It is the battle of mental resilience.

"I am not losing myself again!" Elric clasped his hands as he forced himself to stand up despite the constant barrage of the raging energy inside him. His draconic eyes struggled to open from his unstable body control like an intense gravity pulling him down to the ground.


He drove his Dragon body's natural healing ability to the maximum fighting off the corrosive power of the Soul Cleaning Pearl.



Its time for his next evolution!

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