
Vol. 11 - Chapter 7: Fateful Encounter

Part 1 – Various Encounters in the Past

The first one had a green-eyed horse, which brought sickness to the world; with the sickness, it brought conquest. It carried a bow and an arrow and when he fires to the chosen ones, the necessity of conquering appears in their heart. When that horse passes through the lands, diseases strikes to the people, killing everyone around. He is now known as Conquest.

The third equestrian has a horse with red eyes, and that one is you, it is said that if he appeared in the nations, ferocious battles would always happen; he carries a flame sword and destroyed everything in his path. Though it may not be the most powerful of the four it the most influential, because he could convince the people to fight one another with the simple swing of his sword. He is known as War.

Those four became known as "The Four Horsemen." They exist between life and death, there was a beast that appeared out of nowhere and began the destruction of the earth, it took the gods from all over the world to seal it, the seals were separated across the earth, and the four horsemen were separated as well. It is rare to see two of them together.

A night before the conquest of Mexico began; two horsemen were present in the Aztec Empire. The Conquistador with red eyes gathered all the natives for the reunion. They gather Natives from various places that were under the control of the Aztecs. In a platform made of wood stand the man with red eyes, and the man with green eyes.

"Good evening, I am "Guerra" and this man is "Conquista" and we want to discuss something with you!" The man with great eyes says to the Natives.

"We are going to attack tomorrow night the capital, are you tired from being there empire?" The man screams making the Natives doubt, he continues to explain: "Join us to defeat the evil Montezuma and reclaim you land."

The Natives at first rejected the idea, but then one of them says: "He´s right, we need to free ourselves from them."

"Perfect" The man with red eyes says to the man of green eyes.

He lifts his sword and says: "Fiesta De Guerra" (War Party)

Red shock waves come out of the sword passing though all the Natives. The Natives change into black with red corneas. They begin to scream calling for war. The man with red eyes says: "Now then tomorrow night is "La Conquista"!!!" (The Conquest) The natives begin to cheer for the man of red eyes as he says: "We are the followers of Cortes."

War and Conquest have always been the closest of the four. They have trigger the major battles throughout history, Conquest was present in the Roman Conquest, It is said that Genghis Kang was known as the "Conquest" and this horseman has been present in many conquest around the world. War has been present in many revolutions, during the 100 years wars between England and France, The horseman was in charge of controlling the war and stimulating people. During World War 2, the two horsemen inspire the Germans to begin their conquest and declare war to the World.

Part 2 - Capital City; A few moments before

In the top of a small building, a man with pale skin and a cane stood there and watch the destruction that the headless horseman was doing. The man smiles and says:

"It's been 500 years but I´ve finally found the opportunity to get what´s mine."

"Are you talking about your axe?" El Muerto says as she lands behind Igor. Igor turns around and politely asks:

"Excuse me, but may I ask who are you?"

El Muerto removes her mask revealing a dark silver hair woman, she begins to say:

"Sorry about that, my name is…"


Igor is shocked to hear her name and smiles; "Well, well, to think that someone who has a powerful curse is here."

"I could say the same; I thought you horsemen weren't supposed to interact with each other?" The girl asks as a massive wind blows the headless horseman to Liberty Boulevard. Igor smiles and response:

"That is just a myth, I know well the other two horsemen aside from Uriel. I even worked with them in the past, now I am going to make team with Uriel."

"Are you going to leave the SIA?" The girl asks the man, he smiles and says;

"Well, we will see about that, after all we are Enlightened."

The girl puts on the mask and the hood and begins to fly up in the sky; Igor looks at Uriel heading towards the boulevard, and opens a green portal. He appears in front of Watson and says:

"I´m here to tell you that your plan was a failure, I am sure that the "they" will be disappointed."

"N-N-No please don't tell "them", it was something that couldn't be stop." Watson says with fear Igor begins to walk away and disappears in a green portal leaving Watson paralyzed of fear.

Part 3 - Liberty Boulevard

The destruction continues, the Headless Horseman begins to release a dark green smoke cloud causing those who are around him, die in an instant. Uriel, Rizu and Johanna land in a small building 1 mile away.

"This is horrible; they are dying in an instant." Johanna says as she puts her hand on her mouth. Rizu is paralyzed as she says:

"I heard legends about the horsemen; I never taught they would be this cruel."

Uriel makes a sinister smile and says:

"Unfortunately, this is correct, we horsemen are a force of destruction and I am no exception, however, I need to defeat that monster in order to free Johanna from the SIA."

Johanna blushes and sees Uriel´s eyes that have the red pupils. She begins to say:

"Uriel it seems that you are urging for a fight, however, you must think twice to fight that monster."

"I know that he is a monster and I lost my sword, but I need to defeat him for yu." Uriel says to Johanna, she smiles and grabs his hand saying:

"I know that you are the strongest, please beat that horseman."

"What a wonderful, touching moment." Igor says as he appears from a green portal. Rizu puts her scythe in Igor´s neck and asks:

"Who are you? Identify yourself."

Igor smiles and makes the blade disappear, Rizu steps back towards Uriel and Johanna. Igor looks at Uriel and says:

"It's been a long time old friend; I bet you don't remember me."

Uriel with a clueless face shakes his head and asks; "Who are you exactly."

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Igor Zelenoye, I am an honor agent of the SIA but we have met before remember." Igor introduces himself and begins to cough up blood. Uriel looks at him with a clueless expression and remembers the time they met in Empire City. Igor begins to release green manna saying:

"I bet you felt this manna, but concentrate more and you will see."

Uriel focuses more and begins to see another type of manna; the manna takes shape of humanoid figure behind him. "What is that thing?" Uriel expresses fear; Johanna and Rizu are confused and begin to say:

"What are you looking, we just see Igor right there."

"You can see it right, those are special manna that only us horseman can see, the humanoid figure is a representation of our soul, if you see a person with this type of manna, it means that they are a horseman." Igor says as he coughs, Uriel with a frightened expression begins to ask:

"Don't tell me that you are…"

"Indeed, I am Igor Zelenoye, the Horseman of Conquest" Uriel looks shocked, Rizu and Johanna are surprised as well, Igor continues to speak:

"The reason I called you old friend is because Conquest and War are always the closest of the horsemen. The other two don't like to be that social."

"Wait so you are Conquest, but why are you here?" Uriel asks Igor, Igor lifts his cane and points at the Headless Horseman saying:

"The reason is there, I need you to help me defeat that bastard who has my axe. He has half of my power and as you can see, I am in no shape of fighting."

Uriel looks at Igor with suspicion and says:

"Why should I help you? You say we are friends but the truth is that I just met you."

Igor begins to laugh and replies; "You have a point and that is why I brought you a gift to seal our deal."

A green seal appears next to Igor and a sword comes out of the portal. The sword has a black scabbard with red dragon markings. Igor grabs the sword and extends it to Uriel saying:

"This is sword that belonged to one of you predecessors who fought along one of mine in the Hundred Years War between England and France. Now I came here to return this that belongs to you."

Uriel looks with suspicion but he feels a pain in the head.-BBAADDUUUMMPP- "Grab it, that sword, grab it" Uriel hears a strange voice once again, he grabs his head as he feels pain, Rizu looks at Uriel in pain and says:


"I am not doing anything my dear; it appears something is happening inside Uriel, am I right?" Igor begins to walk towards Uriel, Uriel grabs the sword and the pain stopped, he begins to looks at the sword and draws it out.

The sword has a black hilt with a red dragon marking; the blade is silver and has a transparent word that says; "la guerre", which means "war" in French. Uriel begins to feel manna gathering in the sword and begins to pass it to his body.

"Wait… this is…"

"Do you like it? The name of that sword is "épée du dragon de guerre" which means the "Sword of the war dragon", and as I said before, this sword belonged to one of your predecessors." Igor begins to explain, as Uriel sees the sword.

"I see, this is a great sword, I can feel it communicating with me." Uriel says with excitement, Igor continues to explain:

"That sword absorbs the manna surrounding you and passes to your body, with it you will never run out of manna."

Igor begins to cough, Johanna and Rizu look at Uriel who begins to gather manna, Uriel looks at Igor and says:

"Igor Zelenoye, I will cooperate with you, just leave Ichabod to me."

Igor smiles and replies; "I often think to myself, does fate exist? It appears our encounter will always be a fateful one, and if fate wants us to meet then we will help each other if one of needs help."

Igor extends his hand, Uriel smiles and shakes Igor´s hand; he looks at Rizu and Johanna and says:

"Please stand back, the moment I activate my power, The Headless Horseman will notice me. Rizu please take care of Johanna, and the Red Dog will give another reward."

"Seriously? You can count on me." Rizu says with excitement, Johanna kisses Uriel in the cheek and says; "Good luck, I will be waiting for you."

Uriel smiles, Igor begins to say; "Uriel, you must watch out with the smoke, it can also kill you okay. Don't worry, if you are struggling, I will come to your aid."

"Don't worry I will defeat him." Uriel begins to walk forward as he thinks:

"Something is off, I feel much powerful than before, and I want to fight him so badly that it hurts, I guess it really is a fateful encounter with Conquest."

Uriel takes a deep breath and extends his arm and begins to chant; "Yo soy el Jinete, Yo soy el inicio, Yo soy el final, Yo soy El Charro Negro." (I am the horseman, I am the beginning, I am the end, I am El Charro Negro)

Flames of crimson and purple color begin to come out of his ring causing a strong wind to blow, surprising Rizu and Igor as they step back from Uriel. The flames turning into a giant pillar, wind blows harder and the pillar of flames turned into a whirlpool opening the clouds permitting the moon to illuminate Uriel.

"Wow, he looks very handsome." Johanna says with a lustful smile.

The Headless Horseman notices Uriel and turns his body towards his direction. "I see that you notice me ehh."

Uriel takes out his sword and begins to gather wind, the wind begins to rotate at high speed creating a small lighting in his blade, and the clouds above him begin to present lightning as well. The horseman begins to walk slowly towards the direction of Uriel. Uriel begins to smile with his bright red eyes and says:

"Let's see how well this sword response; Arte Del Mariachi, Canción Del Rayo; Cuarta Estrofa."(Mariachi Art, Lightning Song; Fourth Stanza)

Uriel jumps of the building and slowly begins to fall; he lands in a car and uses it to impulse himself in the air. The car is pushed back and forced to go break a window. Uriel jumps into the air with his blade full of lightning, he moves his sword back. Lightning begins to fall and hits Uriel´s blade, Uriel swings his blade screaming:

"Martillo Relampago" (Thunder Hammer)


Lightning falls with Uriel´s swing creating a powerful attack, the Headless Horseman blocks it with his axe, and lightning begins to spread to the surrounding building shattering the windows and the lights. A hole is made beneath the Headless Horseman, and a massive wind blows around, Johanna and Rizu are surprised to see that amount of power.

Igor smiles and says; "That was impressive, but I think it had no effect."

The Headless Horseman manages to withstand the attack and swing the axe with Uriel causing him to fly towards a building.


"Oh my, that was a powerful blow, I hope his alright." Igor says, Johanna begins to scream out of despair: "UUUUUUURRRIIIEELLL"

"Damn it, that hurt, I guess I was reckless." Uriel says as he grabs his head, the horseman enters the building and says:

"You showed up, Horseman of War."

"Wait, you can talk?" Uriel says with a shocking expression.
