
Belen's Fault?

"Muscle spasm, it was probably caused by stress." But, the doctor explains while examining Ernestina's face, "does it hurt anywhere?" he gently touches her face.

"My jaw, it's painful. I can't sleep. And my eye keeps twitching open. I have to put on a band-aid to close it. It keeps crying."

"Hmmm, but there is nothing wrong physically. Unfortunately, I cannot force your jaw back to normal. But I can prescribe you some pain killers. How does that sound?"

Ernestina was frustrated that the doctor couldn't do anything about her face when she asked, "how long do you think it will last? Will it go back to normal?"

"Why don't we give it a little more time? Then, come back next week, and we'll see if anything changes."

"Thank you, doctor, have a nice day." Ernestina bitterly left the clinic. Her eye twitches like usual when she gets in the car with Iris, "so what did they tell you, mom?"
