
Ch. 2.3 Ardent wish of a Son

The line is long making them almost wait for half a day before his turn. While waiting, he keeps on looking at his surroundings, wishing that his father would come and get him out of his Nana's claws. Yet, again he is disappointed, nobody comes.

"Go! Faster!" his nanny said, nudging him towards the small stage where a man will prick their hand, drawing some blood, testing their second gender.

"An omega?" Disbelief is written on his face. usually, an omega will never grace the public testing centre due to their families fear of them being snatched. A family with a child having a beautiful effeminate face would test their child in private. This one is the exception.

"Where is your family?" He asked, looking intently at the fair-skinned, delicate and beautiful child on his front. The child shook his head making him arch his brow, this child is not lost, right?

"I'm his mother, Do you have anything to say?" a woman said, holding the child's shoulder making the little one trembles. He really wants to point out that she doesn't even resemble the child's face when she again speaks "He is my step-son. Can I see his result?"

"Your Son is an omega, you have to get him out of here before someone will know his second gender. Much better if you bring him to the hospital to know what you will do if he comes to his age" Giving leaflets about second gender and different hospitals that cater to omega.

"Thank you!" She said, smiling brightly. this one is really her best luck. An omega? She can almost see how she would live in a mansion, wearing and eating the best of things after she will arrange his marriage to an affluent family for a sizeable fortune.

The warning of the man does really happened, A man wearing dark clothes grab Zyair on his waist, running towards his car not giving a damn towards the screeching woman. He really got himself a jackpot. An omega. His way to success. His fortune. The El Dorado!

The man quickly knocks the child down, avoiding him on making a ruckus, giving the police his place.

When Zyair woke up, he is an unfamiliar place, laying in a bed. The man sold him in a prostitution house which is notorious on buying omega children, holding them until they come to ages before auctioning them to the highest bidder. They have been doing that for almost a decade now, their backing is from an affluent and rich family making the police turn a blind eye on what they are doing. Besides, this establishment never maltreats the omega so they don't have anything to worry about.

Zyair, grow up on this place, doing a small task and errands here and they're making the people in the establishment like him so much. they would give him small gifts, trinkets or a sweet which he likes so much. The passage of time really erase all his recollection to his parents face but their scent remained in his heart. longing to smell it again.

His coming of age is fast approaching, his chubby cheeks, somehow diminish in size but still retaining some of the fat-making him look so cute and beautiful at the same time. His skin grow smooth and soft, his limb grew longer and skinny, he is the perfect example of delicate beauty.

"Help me!" Zyair knock on the door, he feels so heated, sweating profusely. On his bleary vision, he knocks on his friend's door.

"Are you okay Zyair?"

"I think my coming of age has come, Please help me look for Miss Jasmine, she will know what to do" He pleads.

"Just stay in your room, I'll look for her." He even helps him on his way, closing the door before running.

After five minutes, the door opens again, instead of Miss Jasmine, a man come on his room wearing a perverted smile. locking the door before pouncing at the vulnerable omega in heat.

"No, Don't! please don't do it" Pushing the man off his body, Pleading and Crying for the man to stop his assault.

"Don't be such a tease, Your friend Mira said that you want me to mate with you, I'm just doing what you requested." Continuing on kissing the neck of the omega. he smells so sweet. a young virgin just for his picking.

"I did not ask, please don't do it!"

When the man tore his garments open, Zyair uses his every will and strength, kicking the man on the stomach then his groin before running towards the door.

"Help me! Somebody help me" Opening the door, he screams loudly alerting the people in the establishment.

"Bitch, look what you've done! I'm going to kill you before they kill me, I will drag you to hell." he coldly said, kicking the omega making him drop on the floor.

Zyair can feel his bone-breaking down, he can feel excruciating pain, his lips are all bloodied due to him biting on it, tasting like an iron.

He is dying, he can feel it, draining all his strengths, the pain becomes dull, everything is now hazy and blurry. He is so cold, a coldness that drills itself to his bone. He wants to open his eyes when someone calls his name, he wants to respond to what they are saying but he can't, he doesn't have any strength to muster.

He is unwilling to die, He still wants to see his family, the sole objective to be alive. He wants to see his little sister, he wants to care for her, to love her and to spoil her. He really misses on sitting on his Dada's lap. His momma's cooking. He really missed all of it. This time, he can clearly see his father's handsome features, always wearing a gentle smile while looking at him. His mother's face, gentle and beautiful, her voice reprimanding him on his transgression yet spoiling him at the same time.

A single drop of tear dripped down onto the tiled floor. With it is an Ardent wish of a Son to see his family.
