
Tic Toc, time is running

Ye Rim felt a chill in her stomach as she strutted across her first red carpet. Of course, she was not there as a star, but as an escort to Composer Lee, a VIP guest at the event. But when a fashion reporter asked her what Maison signed her stunning dress, she could proudly say,

"It's a Jung Eun Ha!"

And the reporter even seemed to recognize her friend's name. Ye Rim knew that this was very unlikely, though. But if her picture ever came out in a magazine, the singer was sure that her stunning red dress and Eun Ha's name would be news! Even at her new agency, the costume designer offered Ye Rim several borrowed dresses from the archive, but when he saw Eun Ha's dress he was ecstatic,

"You definitely need to go with this one! No one is going to look at another woman!"

With a smile, she posed beside Lee Dae Won, and he introduced her to people he knew personally.

"Oppa, do you know Designer Zhang personally?" she asked MP Lee.
